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denesstu says...

Why stop there? Why not have quotas for race, religion, eye color, hair style, regional accents, disabilities, <a href="">Working Mothers</a> and life forms from other worlds. So instead of getting the best, the most well informed, we are going to get our experts from a quota.

On Equality pledge for women

Posted 6 February 2013, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

denesstu says...

The Exuma Business Outlook and four other forums in the Outlook series signal our desire to give Bahamians a voice not only in the affairs of their own community but in the national conversation as a whole. Archipelago-wide participation has to be central to the development of the country and the <a href="…">PEO company</a>.

On Business Outlook heads for Exuma

Posted 5 February 2013, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

denesstu says...

I have worked for <a href="…">Armando Montelongo</a> and I absolutely love educating, assisting and helping first-time buyers solidify their dream of owning a home. It's like rescuing someone in need. It's hard to find a professional you can trust who will hold your hand and walk you through the process. I've been able to do that for so many, including seniors. Sometimes I feel like an angel in disguise when I hand over the keys to a beaming homeowner. Perhaps they have waited for this moment for years -- and I get to share it with them.

denesstu says...

If you're in an automobile accident, chances are that your car won't be the only thing injured. If you didn't cause the accident, you shouldn't be expected to pay for your vehicle repairs or your medical bills at <a href="…">Tucson Chevy Dealer</a>. You are entitled to have both of these bills paid for by the other driver's insurance company (one of the most important reasons to have auto insurance). The process can be lengthy, frustrating, not to mention emotionally draining, and you may not receive all that you believe you are entitled to.

On Motorist dies in car accident

Posted 25 January 2013, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

denesstu says...

Since 1949, The American Dental Association has sponsored the National Children's Dental Health Month to educate children and the general public about dental health issues and <a href="">teeth whitening lansing</a>. The ADA provides free resources such as posters, fun activity sheets and other materials for school lessons on oral health. Corporations also participate in dental health month by providing free educational products and resources.

On Dental month 2012

Posted 25 January 2013, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

denesstu says...

In the United States, school districts and schools have suffered from budget cuts, which have negatively affected the quality of education provided in many schools. The finance system of public schools pays for the education of students from kindergarten to 12th grade, teacher and administrative salaries, and construction or maintenance of facilities. Although this is a time when learning a <a href="…">master in negotiating</a> is of paramount importance, budget cuts continue to occur, impacting not only the teachers and students, but also the availability of supplies and other learning resources.

On The meaning of doubling the education budget

Posted 25 January 2013, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

denesstu says...

As communities experiment with ways to socialize children into more positive behavior, the elementary school officer has become an increasingly common presence. Elementary officers must juggle many different roles--from confidant, to psychologist and spokesman--to do their jobs, while operating as the first line of defense for the children they serve. <a href="…">It’s Networking, Not Socializing</a>. That trend is accompanied by a continual debate about the extent of their power and purpose.

denesstu says...

These magnificent and deadly storms contain strong winds, heavy rain, thunder, lightning and tornadoes. As hurricanes reach land, tides swell and a storm surge is created. Once on land, a hurricane loses its power and magnitude as there is no more warm air and water to feed it. It will drift over land, dumping large amounts of rain, but poses less and less of a problem. A good <a href="…">administration and organization</a> in each community can save a lot of lives.

denesstu says...

Overall, this report is probably nothing to get excited about either way. It’s roughly in line with the steady-but-unspectacular growth the economy has been producing for the past year. But any proper reading of the report if you have a <a href="…">job in finance</a> will take into account some of the figures beneath the headline, and the details of this report say that it is less of a cause for celebration than the headline numbers would suggest.

On A graphic expansion in employment numbers

Posted 25 January 2013, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal