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denni21 says...

I am so fed up with my own Bahamian People...We claim to be so irritated and upset over Foreigners coming into our Country and "Taking Over", But the minute one of our own decides that they want to do something positive for our Us and our Future everyone so quick to be judgmental. Statements made about paying $15 for "Registration and Food" Is not true....Just how the applicants weren't forced to apply and attend, they weren't obligated to purchase food or drinks... Again, statements giving about the $3 were for bus transportation to and from Englerston. You were given the option to drive behind the bus or don't attend this exercise..Finally you were given an opportunity to attend trip to a selected amount of Theme Parks to get the experience and be exposed to working at theme park.. Again it was stressed that the trip was not mandatory and you do not have to attend but if you want the training and obtain a certificate then you can sign up and make the required payment and receive a proof of payment signed and stamped by the company. I for one support this Company 100% and it's positive endeavors . Bahamians need to learn the power of discernment and stop being so simple-minded and idiotic. We need to defeat this "Black Crab Syndrome" and come together to support our brothers and sisters..