Comment history

digimagination says...

Apparently there was a second unrelated homicide off Kemp road, so far bringing the total number of (reported) homicides for 2015 to 130... and we still have 49 days left to year's end! Shocking state of affairs!

On UPDATED: School shocked by teacher’s murder

Posted 12 November 2015, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Ah! The cream of Nassau society!

On Men wanted for murder

Posted 11 November 2015, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Department of Corrections... what a (wonderfully) simple way to sugarcoat the name of a facility that in reality is nothing more than a very primitive and unsanitary penitentiary.

digimagination says...

Exactly! There may well be investors who are interested - BUT they are not going to do a damned thing until the whole mess is tidied up and everything is crystal clear and even then they may still have their doubts. So sad.

digimagination says...

As is often said, 'You just can't make this stuff up!'

digimagination says...

Always enjoy reading and digesting your spot-on articles!

digimagination says...

Red shirt, yellow shirt? Two sides of the same coin!

On Wells and Rollins join the FNM

Posted 4 November 2015, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Renaming Her Majesty’s Prison to 'Department of Corrections' is a cheap way of sugarcoating a putrid institution.

digimagination says...

Zero class and so low rent! But not to worry because next, those with hair, will be sporting either corn rows or dreadlocks!

On Sartorial standards

Posted 31 October 2015, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

digimagination says...

Poor ol' Mr. Bell - a complete amateur!