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dishway says...

when we speak of matters like these and we use the term per-capitor we forget that for the person who is killed it does not matter where it happens or whether the city has millions or just 200 thousand so when the big city has 500 lives lost a year that is 500 families hurting but when the city with only 200 thousand have 100 people killed that's 100 families hurting, so in things like this I think both require the same amount of scrutiny. In conclusion it is hypocritical to only point out the small city who would be hurt more by your words and would never do the same where there are weeks when more than 20 persons are killed.

On Fish Fry ‘no go’ zone in US alert

Posted 17 January 2018, 11:12 p.m. Suggest removal

dishway says...

I love your story I think that we in the western world have been under the umbrella of our big brother to the north for so long and they have poison our views regarding a number of countries, especially those they don't like; it is just recent that we in the Bahamas have open up to our nearest neighbour Cuba and see that they are not as bad as the United States would have us believe. Do they have human rights violation yes they do, are there people being oppress yes they are, but even in the land of the free and the home of the brave we find the same thing happening; so my advice to people of the Caribbean and Latin America is to go an experience the world for yourselves before making a righteous judgement about others, base on the views of those with an agenda. The fact is even the great United States sanctified view of Governing has not truly produce real freedom for all of it's citizens, neither has it prevented poverty.

On INSIGHT: The human face of global supremacy

Posted 16 September 2015, 10 p.m. Suggest removal