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dollarsnsense says...

What is this guy talking about. Though I despise the current government, there is no need for the PM to return home. 1. It doesn't resolve anything 2. It undermines the duties of his deputy, making it seem as if he has no confidence in him 3. Why shouldn't Brave finish his agenda? should he sit home and cry about it? the show must go on. Minnis needs to stop whining about everything. I lack confidence in his leadership skills just as much as Perry's. Man up son!

dollarsnsense says...

Boy I tell you. Some of you lack knowledge or sympathy. Why not try to envision it as if you were in a foreign country and you had to be stopped everywhere you go to prove you're a legal citizen based on the way you look. How does someone 'look" illegal? Please describe that to me. Why stop vehicles for just Haitians? There are Illegal Americans, Cubans, Jamaicans, South Americans, Europeans and not all contribute positively to the Bahamian community. Bahamians need to get off their high damn horses and heads out of their a$$es. I hope some of you do not get offended if you are stopped and asked for ID because you "look" like a particular nationality. And to the one that said Haitians are nasty, there are a good number of Bahamians who just as nasty as anyone. Last I checked, we are the majority. I doubt to believe that the Haitians are the reason why certain neighbourhoods and littered with trash, bushes and lots filled with any type of waste or garbage you can think of. I guess its only Haitians that throw litter out the car window?

You know what yall sound like, The white people back in the 50's and how they treated the blacks in America. Then yall claim to be a Christian nation but yet despise another man because they are different. hypocrites! Christ never taught that lesson.

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 11 December 2013, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

dollarsnsense says...

@positiveinput. Comparing a report of a live or past incident and predicting the weather is two different things. The weather man is warning us of impending weather or the possibility of weather approaching. If the weatherman reports that its currently raining outside and its actually bright and sunny then his credibility is in question. Similar to what Mr. Bodie did when he reported that there was a shooting at the school when in actuality there wasn't any...Thanks for your Positive input though.

On Bodie sorry for mistake on air

Posted 6 November 2013, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

dollarsnsense says...

I concur with HJ. To many it may have seemed as if he was concernef of safety, but he, like many indiividuals, was just grabbing at an advantage to be the one with the 'exclusive' breaking news. As a radio personality he also has the responsiblity to divulge truthful information when it pertains to the well being of the public. The result of his actions may have been worse. What if it were a larger school? What if one of the parents, being terrified, got in a wreck trying to rush to the school? He goes on the air to present this tragic news then gets verification from a true legitimate source afterwards only to make himself unreliable as a person who delivers news. In any other respectable news entitiy his credibility would have be in question from there on. In most cases, he would be fired. And to those who ask what a thief has to do with it? Ask yourself that after putting yourself in the shoes of the individuals he stole from. Or would you trust an individual who is a known thief?

On Bodie sorry for mistake on air

Posted 31 October 2013, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal