Comment history

duppyVAT says...

We need to collect a VAT on Shane Gibson's stupid bald head ........... this is a stupid idea just intended to raise revenue for a desperate bumbling PLP government ............ SMT

BTW ............ what does the Auditor General's report say about the Bridge Authority accounts??

duppyVAT says...

Has HAM held a post-briefing press conference yet??????? We want to hear his views on the status of the Bahamar project vis-a-vis our reputation, money, land, workers and entrepreneurs .................... any word?????????????????????

duppyVAT says...

Is this the official position of the FNM ............. pre or post-briefing with the PM ........ or is this Peter Turnquest speaking as a business professional/politician??????????

But to KP point ................ the PLP is doing nothing here but playing naked politics with our money ............... no Parliamentary emergency debate .............. just take our money and throw it away at a white elephant tourism project that may be closed for the next 12-18 months based on the legal proceedings to come in Delaware, London and Nassau......... SMDH

duppyVAT says...

I support Prescott Smith on the backdoor sneakers (vacation homeowners) ............ but he cannot be serious with the $600.00 per day guide fee .................... what world does he live in???? How can he propose that when there are professionals with 2 and 3 degrees in this country that are making $25,000 per year .......... how can he expect to lobby for a fishing guide to make $100,000 per year????????? ............ that is irrational

duppyVAT says...

I trust that JB sent a copy of this letter to every politician (living and dead) who have sat in Parliament since 1967 ..................... this is true in every word ........ and just to add one more vital point: the central government has succeeded in stifling initiative and growth in most of the Out Islands by creating a false system of "local government".

On A happy Independence?

Posted 6 July 2015, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

duppyVAT says...

Yep banker ............... this bridge has been paid off long time (thanks to HAI vision) ...... now it is a toll bridge collecting taxes for the government ..........

When will the PLP put a toll booth near the cemetery on the highway to the SLOP Airport??

You need more taxes to pay all of those poor Bahamar workers .............. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!

duppyVAT says...

Yep ........... misery loves company ......... Perry will have someone else to fall back on and blame when he starts to campaign for 2017 4real!!!!

duppyVAT says...

Go research where Izzie's family money came from ........... start with .............. this fella should not have even been given approval to mess around with no hotel in the first place

duppyVAT says...

Just interested: How were Obie, Brave, Fred and NolleAG involved in the failed $300M negotiation deal ????????????? ................ what were the details????????????

And why was there a $300 M overrun in the first place??????????

This is so hilarious .......... remember the hissy fit the PLP threw over the Nassau roads????

That was $100 Million ................ What goes around ....... comes around

duppyVAT says...

And what will this solve??????? Perry & HAM locked in a room solving the Bahamar mess ..... LMAO

Problem: ............. both of these guys do not live on Planet Earth

Solution: ............. Let the three court cases play out for the next 12-18 months and do not let petty Bahamian politics get in the way