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dwanderer says...

Even if mask mandates end, I will still wear mine. Haven't had a cold or flu in the past two years since masking began. Traveled to the USA in December during the Omnicron surge and wore masks everywhere although Americans had ditched theirs. Returned home without any infections. I've gotten use to the 'protection' masks provide.

dwanderer says...

On the topic of red lights, there is a red light in Freeport on a major thoroughfare that sits one block north of the Police headquarters. Cars consistently run this red light, even whilst the Police may be sitting in traffic nearby. I have yet to see a Police car pursue an offender for running the red light at this intersection.

On Commissioner: I’m retiring this year

Posted 23 March 2022, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

dwanderer says...

They maybe 'self-employed' but unfortunately many of them do not make a profit which is why their business go under after only a few months or years. 'Self-employed' sounds good but unless you are making money, it is only a hobby.

dwanderer says...

Exactly. That's why he didn't provide details of which sectors etc these new licensees are in. Like you said, "vendors" and numerous hair and beauty stores all selling the same things. The Port has yet to understand that when there is an increase in petty licenses such as these, it actually means that many are unemployed and are trying to earn a living by opening their own business. The reality is that after one or two years, few of these of these licensees actually remain in business. Those are the statistics the Port needs to provide to paint a true picture. Even more disheartening than their deceptiveness is their utter cluelessness of their deficiency.

dwanderer says...

Other countries require testing prior to entry, including the USA, but you are suggesting that we do away with all testing? Really?

dwanderer says...

I totally agree. There are many of us who were vaccinated in the initial roll-out and our sixth month since the second dose is now up. Rather than letting vaccines go to waste, it makes sense to offer them to those of us who want booster shots.

On EDITORIAL: Booster shots are to be welcomed

Posted 25 November 2021, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

dwanderer says...

It's been six months since the 'initial' group of persons in the country received their second dose of AstraZeneca. Now that the demand has fallen, can the present vaccines on hand be offered as booster shots to those who've reached their sixth month mark before the vaccines expire?

dwanderer says...

It's been six months since the 'initial' group of persons in the country received their second dose of AstraZeneca. Now that the demand has fallen, can the present vaccines on hand be offered as booster shots to those who've reached their sixth month mark before the vaccines expire?

On 20,000 vaccinated in Grand Bahama

Posted 25 November 2021, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

dwanderer says...

Similar to you, my heart sank when I heard him say those words during a news clip. How utterly stupid can one be, especially when he holds such a high ranking position. Rather than being concerned about our increasing cases and a rise in fatalities, he chooses to compare statistics. Not surprising how this Minister's concern is always on maintaining or surpassing tourism arrival records or easing travel restrictions for visitors so that they aren't inconvenienced, rather than the health of our citizenry.

dwanderer says...

The real test is how many of these businesses will see a profit and remain in business two years from now. Anyone can apply for a business license and get approved but if there is no financial profit, then it's just a hobby. Drive around Freeport and look at how many business places are shuttered and closed. GBPA's spin on numbers does not reflect the reality of everyday life in Grand Bahama.