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dwanderer says...

If 76% of Baha Mar guests are fully vaccinated, that means 24% are not. It is very likely that the 24% of unvaccinated guests mingle quite freely amongst hotel workers, and are given the same liberties as the vaccinated whilst on hotel properties. Therein lies a major contributor to our increased Covid infection rates when these hotel workers go home and out into the community spreading variants they've possibly received from the 24% of unvaccinated hotel guests.

dwanderer says...

As for government sponsored cruises to Florida to receive a vaccine, I would assume that the PM is referring to single trips to receive the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine. However last week, the USA released warnings regarding possible adverse medical effects from the J&J vaccine. Also yesterday, it was announced that persons who received the J&J vaccine in the USA will need booster shots against the new variants. So, unless the government is prepared to sponsor multi cruise trips for initial shots then boosters etc, it would probably make more sense to bring the vaccine to the people.

dwanderer says...

A few weeks ago, the PM enthusiastically encouraged vaccinated persons to gather with similar persons, remove their masks and as he loudly heralded, "Party on!" Now each day as Covid numbers soar again and hospital beds are filled to capacity, the stupidity of those words ring true. Many have partied on and endangered their health or others. Vaccinated individuals are still at risk of contracting and spreading Covid variants and dying. None of us are out of this pandemic. ALL of us need to continue to follow health safety protocols. That is the message those in authority need to disseminate and lead by example.

dwanderer says...

Why is there a charge for Covid tests in the Bahamas? Why can't Covid tests be free like elsewhere?

dwanderer says...

According to the opening paragraph, the Browns live in West Palm Springs, which I think is in Florida and not too far away from where the ship docks. Whilst not excusing the cruise line's lack of communication, I disagree that they were 'stranded' in Florida when all they had to do was turn around and drive back home when their ship didn't sail. They reached the port at noon and were back home by 2:15pm the same day, a short jaunt. The headline's exaggeration of 'stranded' can better apply to passengers from out of state or Bahamians returning home who would have truly been 'stranded' in a foreign country, especially if their funds had now run out.

dwanderer says...

Currently, the majority of cruise passengers who visit Grand Bahama remain on the ship. Of the few who disembark, most remain at the port and 'may' buy a few souvenirs. According to the stores in Port Lucaya, they are not seeing any substantial increase in sales from the few passengers who may browse through. So, although this story may be full of statistics, the reality is that cruise visitors may come but they DO NOT spend! A constant statement on many of their message boards is, "Grand Bahama is a port to be missed. It's just another ship-day."

dwanderer says...

Prior to vaccinations and the subsequent perks, when I traveled from Grand Bahama to Nassau, I paid $25 for a Health Travel Visa, plus $165 for a RT PCR test and about $55 for a rapid antigen test after five days of returning to Freeport. Costs for the Covid tests were paid by me and not covered under the Health Travel Visa. So, for every $25 dollars collected from traveling residents for a health travel visa, what are we paying for since we don't get health insurance, nor free antigen tests?

dwanderer says...

In answer to the question, 'What to book for Grand Bahama?', here are actual comments from some of the June 12th passengers:

"Stay on the ship".
"Don't waste your time. It's an industrial island and the only thing downtown is more tourist shopping."
"Whatever you do, do not book the all-inclusive beach day through the ship. It was a joke!"
"I suggest booking a table near a bar onboard the ship, in an air-conditioned room, and bring a good book/Kindle."

"Do not book the Grand Bahama Island and shopping highlight tour. Definitely money thrown away x 4."

dwanderer says...

Please go on Facebook and read the comments of many of these passengers on the June 12th sailing. They were not impressed with Grand Bahama and totally trashed Bahamasair. Also, many who have booked upcoming cruises are reading these firsthand reviews and vowing to remain on the ship in Freeport and not fly Bahamasair. The cruise ships may be coming but it doesn't necessarily mean that money is being spent throughout the economy.

On Cruise returnees cause airport rush

Posted 21 June 2021, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

dwanderer says...

Unless a skill is so scarce, there is no need to hire expatriate workers. We have thousands of tech savvy Bahamians, some with university degrees, who are unemployed and would be eager to be given an opportunity to work. Many former professionals have been prematurely laid off and still have much to offer in terms of skills and experience. Then there are recent graduates who have more than a 'D' average but have been overlooked as lacking job experience, when no one has given them a chance to become productive employed citizens. It is so sad when we seek to make it easier for a foreigner to come and work, giving them a salary and all the perks, when there are countless of Bahamians who can be trained or utilized to do the very same job.