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eden says...

We must support our government don;t give the Haitians any jobs or living accommodations! treat them as a threat of which they are none of our fore fathers wanted them in this country and we should continue to do whats right for Bahamians! The Bahamas was and is blessed because of God and no one else. Voodoo is the Haitians way of life so they should ask their government why this lil nation is thriving and not them and where is all the millions or billions of tsunami dollars. All the world organisation should make the Haitian government responsible and accountable for its citizen and the aide money it received. Not even America is allowing them to migrate or enter without passports and visas. Nor will we!

eden says...

Our government should break all ties with Haiti! St. Kitts, Jamaica, Cuba and many other Caribbean nations don't allow them to enter. Haitians are not a friendly race they are systematically taking over every Island in The Bahamas we must deport all of them I support my government 100% to do whats right for the Bahamas we should turn them back from the seas thats what we have our defense force for to protect our country and stop giving them our money when we deport them. We have a good relationship with Cuba if we need migrant workers we can get them from Cuba as we all know the Cuban embassy controls their citizen migration where as the Haitian embassy encourages it citizen invasion of other nation. Cubans will not threaten our citizen with voodoo. Am certain the Cuban ambassador would be happy to help us with farm laborers who would be more respectful of our country and would not try to take our country by force or voodoo. I was told that in the 60's we had a lot of Cuban on Andros that worked on the various farms during certain seasons and that they would return to Cuba once their job was completed. We as a nation need to look into our past to correct our future, Treat the Haitians exactly how our neighboring Caribbean nations does and stop catering to these ungrateful, cruel and ritual country destroying Haitians! Minister Mitchel be a savior to us Bahamian be the Loftus Roker of the Bahamas and send the Haitians home! All Pure blooded Bahamians are with you 100%.

eden says...

If Amnesty International is so concerned about Haitians then it should help them to stay in Haiti,
and teach them how to make lives better in their own country! The Bahamas is a small nation with a small population we don't need to be invaded by these people. Let The USA take them they are far more financially equipped and Little Haiti Ms. Campbell will be able to get them all green cards! No other Caribbean nation wants Haitian in their country and nor should us. Dominican Republic did the same thing why didn't Amnesty International intervene? Let the Haitian government use all the money they got from around the world to help its citizen and be accountable for what it did with all the money to rebuild Haiti after the Tsunami. Haitians need to make their government responsible for their economic growth and well being in Haiti not The Bahamas! Our country is tired of the burden impose on our education and medical system due to the illegal migration of Haitians.


On Human rights violations concern from Amnesty

Posted 18 November 2014, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

eden says...

I am in full support of my government new immigration policy, I was once a foreign student in Florida and when my student visa was up I had to return to Nassau to renew. I did not live or work in The USA illegally. And I believe we should not allow any nationality to do so in our country. Haitians are a huge problem to our nation they are invading this country no other Caribbean nation is allowing them to enter or even work because of their huge numbers. Their population is in the millions most other caribbean country including The Bahamas are in the Hundred thousand and less. If we allow them they will out number us and take our country, they are not friendly as any one who has dealt with them knows! They are aggressive, rude and nasty. The Bahamas should cancel all their documents and deport them home children also. Their are a lot of organisations in Haiti to help them the Bahamas is Not a foolish country that will because of one country allow them to dictate our laws. Minister Mitchel do your job I support you 100%. You should hold to your policy don't let this Campbell woman or any organisation tell you how to run your ministry! Let her bring them to Little Haiti and see how the USA will handle them!

On eden

Posted 18 November 2014, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal