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effectsandcause says...

In these instances, the millionaires in cabinet are greedy and selfish (including past administrations). They would never implement any tax/fee/contribution that would directly affect themselves or their special interest foreigners; they prefer the working class and small businesses be taxed to death. Get mad Bahamas!

On PM eases the pain (for some) on bills

Posted 9 November 2018, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

effectsandcause says...

Taxes are the problem for businesses and consumers!! “Duty” and any form of “Fee” is a TAX. Wow!! It seems some become dazed and confused by pretty words. VAT (which means Value Added TAX) categorically reduces the spending power of the consumer, thereby leaving them with less disposable income to spend with businesses - Also a problem for businesses. What part of less money to spend with businesses might you not understand???

effectsandcause says...

Sumner “grieves” when he hears of a business closing?!? He forget…he was one of the main enforcers that helped this government exact VAT on the entire country. Businesses are closing because of TAXES in a weak economy, Sumner. The Chamber, in my opinion, has no credibility and might just be a waste of space.

effectsandcause says...

So, no thought-provoking response. Its clear, you’ve resigned to keep your eyes glued shut, much like your avatar depicts. Oh, and don’t discount eyes and ears, because before your brain can process info. it must first pass thru those sensory points; Or are you a different type of species??? Food for thought!

On Is this meeting just one big charade?

Posted 27 June 2012, 9:55 p.m. Suggest removal

effectsandcause says...

Really?!?!? What were the benefits in selling-off the Country’s Communications Infrastructure to a Foreign entity??? He who has eyes - let him see!

On Is this meeting just one big charade?

Posted 26 June 2012, 8:13 a.m. Suggest removal

effectsandcause says...

It will NOT cost $750 million to re-negotiate an additional 2 shares to gain 51% of BTC on behalf of the Bahamian people. This government, however, is being conservative; I believe they should reclaim even more shares. If CWC is not in the negotiating mood then the government should exercise its rights within the legal system, because the method by which BTC was sold, someone (or people) should be in jail. The fact that Ingraham allowed this $750 million market share clause to be entered into the contract, knowing full well it would exclude any Bahamian company from re-purchasing BTC, is further evidence of Ingraham’s contempt for the people of this country. Don’t watch what they say – watch what they do!

On Is this meeting just one big charade?

Posted 25 June 2012, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

effectsandcause says...

“Foreign” Analysts warning the Bahamian Government?!?!? Pure foolishness!!! Where were these analysts when the former government gave away a profitable national asset in a fire sale to CWC??? These foreign analysts and investors can care less about the Bahamian people as long as their pockets are lined; they make 150% return on their investment; and they can continue to deal with a “clueless” and “spineless” government. They fool no one. Indeed, it would be shocking if this new administration did grow a backbone to confidently and firmly re-negotiate this sale on behalf of the Bahamian people. We watch.

effectsandcause says...

Fred Mitchell as Minister of Foreign Affairs and immigration !?!?! This gatta be a typo. Mitchell is a sympathizer who will NOT be tough on this immigration problem. Christie obviously is not serious about Immigration and has prioritized it as low. This is mistake number ONE! Bahamians are watching.