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elleng20 says...

I am a Bahamian American and I will vote Republican when Sir LOP comes back and vote UBP. Any Bahamian that runs on a Republican ticket need to go back and read from whence he came. when you will boost about knocking bread out of the poor mouth and stand in the way of peoples rights to vote then you have sank to an all time low and is no different than the hate mongers on the right.

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 13 March 2014, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

elleng20 says...

Let`s give honor where honor is due, this is a beautiful thing. After living in the United States for most of my life one thing I can truly say, a Bahamian is always proud of their country and I must say the same for Sir Poitier.

On Sidney Poitier Bridge

Posted 4 November 2012, 7:41 a.m. Suggest removal