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empathy says...

“Preach” Mr. Johnson.

I agree with your sentiments. However I detest the term “Third World”...time to completely ditch it from common usage.

empathy says...

Most scientists and epidemiologists postulate that ‘Heard Immunity’ does not happen until roughly 75% of a population is ‘immunized’, and that would only be for a particular infectious agent, not the ‘variants’. As such there is no quick fix or straightforward answer to how a population will be affected or respond to a particular strategy. Vaccinations save lives. It is one of the three major successes of the twentieth century that allowed for a near doubling of life expectancies in human populations. The Seychelles’ vaccination efforts although laudable have not yet achieved that majic number nor have they eliminated the possibility of variants so what is happening there now as they “open up” is not unexpected from a scientific point of view. No need to panic, just keep pressing on. As for the effectiveness of the vaccines they are using it’s better than the alternative (no vaccine) and better than most vaccines given annually for ‘the flu’. Many small nations, including our own are unlikely to get the mRNA vaccines until late 2022 or early 2023, so we have to use those available to us NOW.

On COVID death toll rises to 212

Posted 9 May 2021, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

Thanks to you & your team’s efforts Dr. Dahl-Regis.

Stay strong with your EvidenceBased methods, not emotionally charged statements

empathy says...

I too subscribe to the philosophy that one’s primary dwelling should incur ’no’ or minimal taxation. There have been many instances where municipalities around the world have had to redress unfairness in residential taxation (aka Real Property Tax) because it unfairly taxes folks who can ill afford it: think of the elderly retired home owner whose home is their greatest asset now being forced to pay high rate taxation on a fixed income.
The co$t of taxation on one’s primary residence should be nominal and include predominantly the cost to the government of record keeping. Documentation of Real Property is important to prevent fraud and theft of property in an effort to discourage fraudsters from stealing the poor and vulnerable’s most precious and valuable commodity, their home and property.
Taxation on second (and third) homes can be at a reasonable rate, although these are likely to be income generating properties subject to VAT or business taxes.

empathy says...

Disappointing, but understand your reasons for dropping an unaffordable medical insurance.

Here’s hoping you use that enthusiasm to “protest” for a bipartisan national health insurance that is comprehensive and affordable to most with guaranteed government subsidies to those truly ‘in need’🤞🏽 Everyone deserves affordable modern healthcare.

empathy says...

To: The Graduate


empathy says...

Mrs. Clarice Sands-Granger was a great Bahamian, a member of a conscientious family, who mentored many people lucky enough to have come within her sphere. Her influence encompassed healthcare, religion, music, girl guides and civil society. May her example continue to inspire present and future Bahamians and residents of these islands.

On The gracious Clarice Granger

Posted 1 August 2020, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

Sadly, you speak Xenophobia.

Immigration, legal nor illegal, are not the source of our problems.

We need to come together as a people and formulate strategies that address diversification of our economy, inclusiveness in high standard education, sensible constitutional reform, including citizenship and immigration. We need to build a Bahamas that our young people will be proud of and want to live in. In short, plans to move our country “forward (upward, onward together “).

empathy says...

Good points! Although the loss of many “public sector jobs”, especially if transferred to Bahamian owned private sector jobs and the elimination of government subsidies are worthwhile goals.

empathy says...

Allowing the cruise ship to enter Bahamian waters and offering aid posses no health risk to residents in the Bahamas. On the contrary this humanitarian act is what being Bahamian is all about...those of us who grew up here should well understand this truly Bahamian trait.

Testing and knowledge of positive cases and overall numbers is good information and allows our authorities’ actions to be guided by scientific evidence. As another commentator stated regarding our lack of definitive information about untested air arrival visitors who are already amongst us, at least with these known cases we can adjust our behavior accordingly...let’s be sensible and strategic And empathetic.