Comment history

enough says...

You got it wrong Max, she should have been PM.

enough says...

The decision to still require masks in school is insane. All research has shown children are at the lowest risk of getting very ill from Covid. Also you imagine how hard it is as a young child learning from your teacher when you cannot even see their mouth. So no masks in foodstores, movie theatres but in a place where children as most closely monitored, school, yes mask required! Ministry of Education please intervene.

enough says...

These persons talking about climate change are becoming their own worse enemies. Do what I say not what I do. How about we stop the huge amount of cruise ships polluting our waters, have you seen the size of those ships and how many pile into the harbour along Bay St. How about instead of flying around all over the world you attend some meetings virtually. Talk alone will not fight against climate change but personal action.

On ‘Polluters must pay climate costs’

Posted 21 September 2022, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Soooo sooo tired of this. So hundreds of older persons around the country, including my parents, cannot collect NIB and work a job. But these people can? So Tribanon, Moncurcool and Bahamianson, I imagine you are older than me. Besides complain, complain what can be done?

enough says...

This is ours, agreed. But will any government have the courage to do anything? I am not even clear on what the beach access rules are anymore, everyone is doing their own thing. You should ride out East.

On Wynn in new bid to secure property

Posted 21 July 2021, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Boy in capitalism the business always wins. So after the laws were basically changed to protect the hotels so that for more than a year they never made the employees they had on reduced pay redundant so that the hotel would not have to pay them out. They now turn around, as we are told tourism numbers are increasing, and make 700 people redundant.

enough says...

Dawes, I agree. We are outpricing our citizens. If the way we are going as a country is to be another Monaco then we need to be honest. But also keep in mind Monaco has a population of 40,000 along with many other differences.

I am not saying we do not want growth we just need to decide if it will be equitable or will this country be all about gated communities and benefitting the rich. I am not saying one of the other is good or bad, but be honest with what we are doing..

enough says...

Same article, on this very same day, on this very same newssite says 75% of hotel workers still off. We know they are not receiving full salary and if the government was not protecting the hotels would have gotten a severance package by now.…

This alone proves Mr. Rolle's calculations are way off.

On Jobless rate now 20-23%

Posted 8 April 2021, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

enough says...

Is this truly a surprise to anyone? BJC grades the best of times are not stellar. This time you sent children out in the middle of a pandemic to take exams when in the case of BJCs the exams had been postponed three times. Also very few private schools even bothered to help students review.

Even Cambridge who writes these exams made a decision to cancel their exams. When persons tried to tell you do not go through with the exams you acted as if children are not humans and would not be affected by what was going on around them. I heard on more than one occasion the callous remarks "why would children be affected by this pandemic, they ain got bills or nothing else to do."

enough says...

Quite right Porcupine, what load of mindless, elitist drivel if I ever read one. Thousands unemployed, even more hungry and we are talking about "cocooning" or shall we say wasting money on crap you do not need.