Comment history

environmentalist says...

There are a couple of West End people who should never have been elected but then again a lot of the West End residents are pretty stupid so they don't know better. Selfish petty ass people elected to serve always remain ignorant and stupid and will never understand how to utilize the political system properly. They think they know everything yet could not write a full paragraph that makes any sense. There is only one person in the whole bunch that I trust. I tell ya man West End people is doomed. That is why I glad I live in Abaco! The people much smarter here and know how to get things done! Suffer on West people will never be much of anything!

environmentalist says...

Listen, the woman should have never been in debt...when you have lots of money and you have bills just pay them. Karma is a Beetch and they should know better...I don't give a rat's ass who Dame whatever think she is...she is no fricking better than the rest of us Bahamians. Pay your bills and avoid the negative is really that simple!

environmentalist says...

I pray one day the DNA is running this country!

environmentalist says...

Well I'll be damned!

On The truth about disclosures

Posted 22 June 2014, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

environmentalist says...

Boy I tell ya...we got one hell of a Banana Republic monkeys running this country straight to the pits of hell. None of them could give a rat's ass that the environment will be destroyed and at what flipping price. They got paid and that is all that matters. A national and international boycott is in order. Gotta get someone from the Green Party elected run this country and straighten up this frigging mess. The next generation is totally screwed!

environmentalist says...

Time to go GREEN! I pray that we get a new political party to run this country in the next general election. After reading this crap we are really doomed until 2017. What a pity that greed overtakes good ole common sense.

environmentalist says...

The entire flipping Supreme Court is on the payroll of the developers in the country. We are not so stupid and are not surprised by the ruling. And while we are at it let's allow any developer come to the Bahamas destroy the rest of our precious eco-systems. The Bahamas is ripe for a revolution and I pray we have a BIG ONE soon. Get rid of Yellow and Red and let GREEN have a chance to run this country. We truly have the house niggas (Government/Attorneys/Judges) running the field niggas (dats the rest of us yall) off their land. I am so fricking tired of being hoodwinked, lied to and bamboozled. The Bahamas SUCKS!


On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

environmentalist says...

We truly have a bunch brain dead mucked up leaders who pretend to be so smart. There is nothing I hate more than someone trying to pretend they are smart when it is obvious they are stupid. Both FNM and PLP believe that the Bahamian people are that gullible to believe the trash they spew forth. This crap has to stop!

On environmentalist

Posted 27 May 2014, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

environmentalist says...

I'd rather see Fred Smith who has some balls stand up against a bunch of PLP sissies who just want to take the money and run. We truly have a Banana Republic...and it is pathetic how they don't give a rat's ass to protecting the environment. 2017 cannot get here fast enough to vote these idiots out of office.

environmentalist says...

This is indeed stunning news...stop the dredging in Bimini permanently.