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ernieham1 says...

I've always said I was no christian, but a child of God's..that had to be from knowing that christianity was just another form of religion& if we are to follow Christ he nevered practice religion...he went about praching, teaching speaking, healing, deliving helping & saving... there were no recordings of any religious rituals performed, so why did Paul keep performing them I dont know, maybe he was keeping with traditions as did the jewish religous people did. I know Dr. Myles Munroe is speaking the truth because that knowledge was in me & he brought confirmation unto me. These teaching is what was in me all the time stirring in me every time I went to visit a church or half attended the one I belonged to. I couldn't stand the theactric's & rituals & supposingly coming from a person "who was called". I needed truth & that is what I seek! It's not by accident I found Dr. Munroe, I was spirit lead to these teaching. Besides, one can not hear nor see the truth unless their eyes have been open via Jesus Christ revealing it. We who hear & see have been choosen too...Besides, don't just listen to Dr. Munroe accept Christ get into the Word as the Holy Spirit dwells in you & ask for the understanding of God's word and it will be given unto you if you believe. The Holy Spirit teaches you all things that Jesus tells him to reveal to you. Everybody can read the scriptures, but the understanding & wisdom of it comes with not just accepting Christ but the believing & receiving on him. Attending church often & saying "praised the lord is only giving lip service and attendence without the true living empowerment God's waiting to give one. Another thing is why go to church to sit up & worry about other people's business or what the men are doing when your real concern should be to dip in grab hold to the powerful message & cherish it like the treasure it is & run with it doing what God says you can do. I don't waste my time sitting in churches getting frustrated with the goings on in them for that stuff is in every church. Remember everyone that says Lord Lord... I'm into the message & if I can't see my way to hearing & detecting the sermon is being spirit lead I'm out of there.. I listen to Dr. Munroe as a Prophet & Advisor, that's it anything else about him is between him & God...he is as human as the rest of us....He is made perfect in God's eyes via Jesus Christ like I am, but he is human too. I shall not let his faults stop me from receiving the hidden treasures that I seek because the thoughts of a righteous man are right & I chose this avenue of fellowship, online!

ernieham1 says...

I watch Myles Munroe every chance I get. I wish there was enough hours in a day for him to teach in the US & there...thank God for the internet!. We do not have this teaching of the Kingdom of God going on here in the states!!! I do not attend church just because I could never find real teaching; however, I do listen to Creflo Dollar for he is about the closes one can get to here about truth without preaching religion. I'm guilty of television ministry because when I read my bible I notice most churches are doing exactly what the Word says do not do & they are not doing what the Word says to do. Yet they have to be reading the same thing I'm reading or at least close to it. Now, listening to Dr. Munroe about the Kingdom, I see it not from a different perspective, but with deeper understanding & clarity base on his teaching of the concept of a king & kingdom alone with colonization...with this teaching I'm understanding more of not just to whom I belong to, but who I am, what I am & what all I can say, think & do because of my rites as a citizen of the Kingdom of God.