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esquirejem says...

I believe that our Politicians can only do so much. The Crime of Murder is not a physical problem. I believe that it a spiritual one. When I see the Churches Barred up and closed during the night it would appear as if the church is in fear and fear is not of God. I believe that if the Church would return to the Street Meetings of Old on the corner of our streets then we would experience a change in the air. This spirit of Murder that is permitted to go rampant in our community and Country is an inditement on the silence of the Church. The church must take the lead and have a daily national movement of prayer with our Bahamian Prayer worriers all over this country. It is then that the spirit of Murder will subside. I trust that the Government of the Bahamas will invoke a national Day of Prayer we can do it we are a christian Nation and will the christian stand up and reclaim our land.
You are representatives of Christ and Heaven here on Earth. The Prime Minister must get a Word from the Lord. Who is his spiritual Advisor. I have noticed that we have recently elected a Prime Minister in this Christian Nation and I have not seen an ecumenical church service of Prayer for this leader I wonder why or is this even a thought. Hello some Body

On US report's crime rating blamed on FNM

Posted 20 May 2012, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal