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evangelistilonahenry says...

Ah death! Ah the grave!
Where the mightiest of heros lie
Untroubled by the raging seas when its billows roar
There the slave and little lie to be troubled no more
Is this the hero, who for freedom paid a price?
What shall be done to thee o death?
And what is thy price o grave?
Is this Mandela, whom for the freedom of his people
Refuseth a fading crown?
With tears I bade thee good bye
In the bossom of him that loveth thee
Lie thou quietly, and in the victors company
Thous shall smile
And in their midst thou shalt know no shame.
Precious in his eyes are the death of his beloved
Rest thou in peace and thy soul shall be troubled no more.

On Nelson Mandela dies age 95

Posted 6 December 2013, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal