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evgeorge says...

BS….that office cared less about that immigrant's life….in fact our country don't give a f**k about that young man's life!!! If we did, we would not incarcerate a "VICTIM"in an environment which increases his exposure to deadly microorganisms after wounding him……who the f**k are we again? A nation of Christians?
A friend of mine who is an immigration officer, shared with me his encounter with some haitians who landed in Exuma, that tried to evade capture…..and the narrative wasn't pretty!! It was disgusting and wrong, and i mean wrong in every sense of the f**kin word!!! So this incident tells me that it's those under trained, low fences who are employed by these government agencies by favor and not by their own merit, who see a haitian immigrant as a life with no value….. just like those cops in the American cities, who behave like a black life don't matter.
The world is watching our behavior……..and bear in mind tables turn………history will forever be our greatest teacher……..Haiti was the supreme land that all black enslaved people in the americas and the caribbean desired to reach…….the world is a cycle…….it may not happen in our life time but it will happen again……..I don't see nothing wrong with showing compassion in a near tragic case like this….but .God is watching us….from a distance…...

evgeorge says...

I am a Haitian (medical doctor) born in the Bahamas and have never travelled to Haiti but I would sure like to say this: the Bahamas is indeed xenophobic society and the ignorance of the masses is nauseating to say the least. When I read people like Emac's comments, it makes me feel ashamed to say I am from the Bahamas. The issues that our society face is not because of Haitians or any migrants….it is because of Bahamian born persons who have no values, goals, morals or ethical beliefs. In my humble opinion, I believe the Haitian Bahamians contribute more to the Bahamas than most raw born Bahamian. So castigate the Haitian Bahamians and use them as scapegoats as much as you would like but WE will continue to be productive members of a xenophobic society but change must come!!!!