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exclusivezayy239 says...

SHUT UP ignorant how is tiktok stealing data

On Is Bahamas becoming a dictatorship?

Posted 25 January 2021, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

exclusivezayy239 says...

usa aint gone let them get away with that !! correct ...

On Is Bahamas becoming a dictatorship?

Posted 25 January 2021, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

exclusivezayy239 says...

Joe biden will be in office on the 20th January , I promise you his adminastration will not let the bahamas do oil drilling & I don't wan't to see my beautiful island underwater

exclusivezayy239 says...

you are supid imma 13 yr old this oil drilling don't make any sense , we should find a better way to make money cuzz when that oil spill the gvt can't afford to clear up ... the bahamas is slowly becoming haiti

exclusivezayy239 says...

not you being mad - 😐 , everyone have freedom in the bahamas rich or poor .

exclusivezayy239 says...

illegal immigrants are not benefitting the bahamas . they just want to come so they can go to the USA , send them back to haiti altleast try and come legal not illegal!

exclusivezayy239 says...

you are so stupid smt

On Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas

Posted 28 December 2020, 1:28 a.m. Suggest removal

exclusivezayy239 says...

smt what will the future generations have if no one is making an effort , i am only 13 years old , the bahamas is going under water due to rising sea levels !! and yall ain't doing anything when we get wash into the atlantic ocean yall gone know . tired of minnis he need to start working .. stressing me tf out! don't run to haiti when the bahamas is underwater that's all im saying .

On Global warming’s huge threat to Bahamas

Posted 28 December 2020, 1:24 a.m. Suggest removal

exclusivezayy239 says...

Please leave andros alone , we don't want the rising sea levels to come an sink us beneath the atlantic ocean !! atleast if yinna want the economy to grow do it in a enviromently friendly way , see how nassua is sinking and the goverment is annoying it bye leave us alone we are perfect .

On Andros remains the final frontier

Posted 28 December 2020, 1:18 a.m. Suggest removal

exclusivezayy239 says...

keep up digging up . when the bahamas sinks underwater i wonder what they gone do , climate change is serious and the gvt isn't doing anything