Comment history

expat8090s says...

Coleloquial? Isn't the state of Internet grammar and spelling bad enough without you presenting your catchy column title as a dictionary entry?

expat8090s says...

Reading between the lines, I'm guessing that he's alive, between 20-30 years old, and soon to be in a court charged with murder.

On Man drowns trying to rescue son

Posted 30 September 2014, 11:10 p.m. Suggest removal

expat8090s says...

Did the son also drown? Enquiring minds want to know.

On Man drowns trying to rescue son

Posted 29 September 2014, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

expat8090s says...

"PM: We must stop severe craziness of young people"

If only there were some way... some project that the government could fund...

expat8090s says...

From another article in today's Tribune...

“I really got serious about a year ago when I passed around the park and I saw so many young boys just hanging around with nothing to do,” said [ex-pro boxer Quincy] Pratt, now a taxi driver by profession. “What’s better than boxing? It’s been good to me because not only did I get to stay off the streets after I came out of the Boys Industrial School, but I got an opportunity to travel around the world.”

Pratt, who grew up in the area as a troubled young man, said he was disappointed when he contacted a number of business persons for assistance of building material and the only person who responded was Steve Barr. But Pratt said that in no way has that diminished his plans to make the facility one of the best on the island.

“These same boys I’m trying to recruit are some of the same boys who I could end up saving from destruction,” he said. “If it wasn’t for boxing, I don’t think I would be here today. Boxing saved my life and that is why I’m here trying to save some other young men.”

Some people do, and some people just talk. (See article for how you can help get this gym up and running.)