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exuma1959 says...

One child per family would be great.... but we do not have families anymore.
Leadership and vision for the entire country and not just for small fragments
Where only my family and friends are allowed to eat.. Whilst the entire country sits and fall into Decay....


Posted 28 September 2013, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

exuma1959 says...

the canadians are willing and able to sponsor a full pledge prison facility to the beautiful bahamas....... anybody willing to ask?????

On Inside the prison walls

Posted 17 September 2013, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal

exuma1959 says...

This is nothing new......... It is just that nobody wanted to listen to the small business person.....
The Government has made it next to impossible for the Small business person to operate..
The Rents on Bay street is ridiculous...
The tourist are stuck in the bay street quadrant.....and there is nothing for them to spend
their money on.
Those who do visit, choose not to disembark of the ship....
then you have the ships who get in around 11am and leave at 5pm
The newer ones arrive at 6am and leave at 2pm....
The Passengers never have enough time to shop or spend any money.....
The BUSES take them to Atlantis and various day attractions (which is prepaid for on the ship)
and there they spend three to five hours.. and they return them back to the Ships
So it is not a shopping trip for our tourist and to add insult to injury ,those who do venture out , Are instructed to stay clear away from places like the Straw Market............
If they need incidentals ,they buy it on the ship.
"the point is .we as a country is not "shopper friendly" anymore
Studies show that tourist spend more money at night between the hours of 5pm to 1am
At five pm in the Bahamas , the entire town is shut down......
At six pm in the Bahamas ,the Harbor is empty........

Mr Minister of Tourism we are getting the ca ca end of the stick............
the facts are there , we don't need a rocket to scientist to figure this one out.....

exuma1959 says...

gilligan's island......

exuma1959 says...

To much gilligan's island!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exuma1959 says...

to much gilligan's island......... when she was a kid............