Comment history

exumawannabe says...

My posts are factual...why would I lie about how I run my villa. Everything I stated is what I do. Everything else stated came from the article posted. I think probably post were removed because of name calling. But like I said if anyone is interested in a owners forum..I would be glad to make one. But seems like only one person was whats the point.

exumawannabe says...

Anyone interested in that Palm Bay owners forum?

exumawannabe says...

I thought this board was to speak about the water issue and from other posts started, some issues at Palm Bay. It seems to me most only want to hear one side of the story. If I do not bash Ron Francis then anything I comment on is not relevant. I have posted my comments regarding how I feel about Palm Bay thinking both sides should be considered and taken seriously. I have taken the responsibility of maintaining my Villa seriously and will continue.

I do not have any ill feelings towards anyone on this board..I do not know you. My ill feelings developed after reading these statements and realizing that there may be no hope for such a beautiful place...I find that very sad.

exumawannabe says...


exumawannabe says...

Wonderfully stated:)

exumawannabe says...

Actually I hardly deal with with Ron Francis. That again is my choice. I think everyone here has a choice. We do have a choice to choose to rent on our own..( which is what I do) or to have outside management. The only thing you don't have a choice apparently is your water, electricity and trash. I do not know why you are angry at me. I do have a title, I pay all fees that others pay. The only choice I don't have right now is not keeping my villa running or letting my feelings go awry...

exumawannabe says...

Peace out's been real. Good luck to all!

exumawannabe says...

I pay the same water that everyone pays or not's part of the fees. I do not have a separate meter...I think that is what this issue is about. I do not misrepresent anyone. These are my thoughts and only want what is best for Palm Bay and as you can see that's not working..So my first concern is for my villa and what kind of impact all the negativity is having on my property. So I don't think anyone should throw stones...everyone is in the same boat...just some have different opinions on how it should be handled. If we were only talking about water this conversation would have been over 4 hours ago.

exumawannabe says...

I pay everything that is justifiable to keep my villa up and running. I would have never bought if I chose not to take full responsibility for my "investment".
I pay everything that you pay...and from what i hear from this conversation probably more.
But again that is my choice...until the day I feel that that there is a better choice or when owners want to make a real change, until then.. this is what I do to provide my guests with the best accommodation I possibly me that is what is important.

exumawannabe says...

I thought we were having some sort of discussion here...thank you dewdemdishes for your lack of judgement. You know nothing about me. What you should know is that I have worked my ass off to promote and rent my villa the best I can. Sitting around worrying about what Ron Francis is going to do for me seems insane.
Your issues started from the word "investment" have every right to be angry over your investment. But's that workin for ya?

Maybe you should worry about the next step with your property and how you can turn it around and make some money!