Comment history

exumawannabe says...

Owners only meeting is a great idea...should have been done long ago...when people are ready to take responsibility..I say let's do it.

Even better than skype..if people are serious about their property..all that are able should set a date to meet during off season. If change is what is the order..and your property is a high priority...well we would have to see who would be willing to show.

exumawannabe says...

I sympathize with all regarding breach of lease back, for those that only wanted investment. But also as article states these are Fee Simple property. I think it is each persons responsibility at this point to take control of their situation and do what you can to rent your property and maintain the upkeep. I understand some persons came into buying with no intention of dealing with the struggles and pitfalls of having a rental property, wanting someone else to take all responsibility and only reap the rewards, well hello..Economy is bad all over people..
Step up...this resort could be so much more...but it never will with anger and hostility..

exumawannabe says...

I am also an owner at Palm Bay. Like any condo, home or apartment I have ever lived in, if you don't pay your bills...well your service will most likely be disconnected. To have it turned back on usually comes with a hefty fee.

IF I have to pay my bills to keep my villa up and running, then everyone else should be paying theirs also. It's not fair to those who pay and those who don't expect to receive same treatment...go figure!

If you are unhappy about fees...any suggestions would be great. The one problem with this resort is no one seems to be willing to work together...unfortunate for all.
