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eyes says...

I am more than pleased that Mr Moncur and his team did not get into parliament. If they did, Women who use contraceptives may have been given a life sentence. Worst yet, Men who raped girl children, raped adult women and or seduced them into having children for them would have walked the streets unscathed by thier acts of aggression. Yes, far weightier would have been the 'demon pills' taken by the woman, than anything done by egocentric lust possessed men, whose chief purpose for living is that of having never ending orgasms and spilling wild seed here there and everywhere.

On Saturday, May 19th

Posted 7 June 2012, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

eyes says...

Don't be too riled. (smile) People cannot deliver more than they possess. Don't you feel the need to be sympathetic? I blame the publishers of the article more than I blame the man. Do you believe that in some sick way they hoped to humour us? When since does freedom of speech translate as the complete abandonment of Common Sense? If this article remotely signals the celebration of Democracy, we the readers and listeners of the comments of Mr Moncur are most certainly BOUND. May freedom be a privilege ALL enjoy not just a few.

eyes says...

Is this not an excellent glimpse of the type of leadership, we can ill afford to represent us as a people? Can you Imagine this kind of sustained rational unleashed in national and international forums? It would have been criminal! Further, we would have had to ENDURE this crime for at least five years.
On another note, women you don't need to be offended. This 'vomiting' was intended to occur in the privacy of a religious counselor or a trained psychiatrist. It should never have reached us. HENCE, tell those publishing the newspaper that the capacity to be both critical and selective is an important skill to be had. If they don't possess it, they need to find another job.
Finally, for those of you who are swift to scoff at individuals who wisely subscribe to the world view of the existence of a God, know this: God was not properly represented in Mr Moncur's 'spewings' today. In fact, the overcast skies, strongly suggest that his brows are knitted and His heart is filled with tears. If He(God ) was allowed one minute on this evening's news, his comment might be captured in this: my people perish because they lack knowledge."