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fenomenon7 says...

Great news, but a rather misleading title to the story. Minnis is not overturning the citizenship vote. The citizenship vote was about amending the constitution. Minnis is amending the immigration act, which is what Dame Sawyer and other clergy said would be a wiser option since it would not require a referendum and a waste of time and money.

The fact that the former government did not simply amend the immigration act like Minnis just did to achieve the gender equality they were seeking, lends weight to the suspicions of the clergy that the referendum was not about gender equality but a cloaked attempt to pass bill 4 and open the door for same-sex legislation in accordance with UN requirements.

In the end, its a win/win for the majority of Bahamians, a big step toward gender equality has been taken by Minnis and the constitution remains unchanged and fears of a genderless society can rest for now.

On Minnis overturns citizenship vote

Posted 3 November 2017, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

fenomenon7 says...

@ 'Apostle'

Your actually very mistaken. Allan Lee has always aggressively opposed gambling even when everyone else was silent. You'll notice the beggining of this article describes Mr. Lee as VOCAL. There is no hypocracy to be found there.

Secondly I'm not an expert on politics but I'm pretty sure you got democracy all wrong. The people have the choice to choose their government but once that government is elected THEY are in charge not the people. If everyone in the country decided to drive on the right side of the road everyone in the country should be prosecuted UNTIL the law is changed.

Thirdly, in regards to Samuel 8 your forgetting that it was GOD who decided to give the people what they want and for His own reasons. We are just men. We are in no such position to say 'Let the people gamble, so they can learn the hard way'. We have our instructions from God so lets make sure we labour at them.

Finally, Allan Lee is doing exactly what you asked him to do. You say he ought to educate christians on why they should say NO. You say 'talk is cheap'. Well the only reason you read this article is because Allan Lee has been working hard and put together a booklet for distribution to do exactly that. It is from his material that the Tribune made this article. But unfortunately the only part that made the cut was the 'beating up' of our Hon. Prime Minister.

Lets continue to encourage our people to respect and obey the laws of the land, and lets be vocal when our governments FAIL to enforce the laws.
