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flamingoman says...

Not surprised!

flamingoman says...

NHI Anyone??? Anyone???

On Hospital rejects claims by U.S. patient

Posted 10 March 2016, 7:11 p.m. Suggest removal

flamingoman says...

How convenient that they are "unable" to release any information. I understand that there are certain laws...but if he really is lying...than you would think that someone would be investigating for PMH and then prosecute him for defamatory comments. The lack of desire on their part to do that should show that there is something that they are hiding! Where are our news reporters traveling to Minnesota to interview the other hospital??? This will be like everything else just swept under some rug.

On Hospital rejects claims by U.S. patient

Posted 10 March 2016, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

flamingoman says...

I think you are missing the larger picture...these men are only doing this foolishness because the government is corrupt. Yes...Bacon & Nygard need to go...but someone needs to be seriously looking into these government officials and prosecute to the highest degree! Everything rises and falls on leadership!!!!

flamingoman says...

There is no accountability in our politics. That is why the AG should be an elected official and not a puppet set up by a Prime Minister...that was never elected by the people anyways. There is no real elections in this country...only selections...

flamingoman says...

This country has NO checks and balances...NONE! This confirms what the majority already knew...that our government officials are corrupt and think that they are above the law. Who do we turn to for help...The AG...The Commissioner...The Senate...every one is in somebodies pocket. Wake up Bahamas!!! These allegations are serious...and even more serious since elected officials are supposedly tied to it. May be Britain needs to take us back over and sort it out like they had to in the Turks and Caicos back in 2009/2010...since all we have done is make a mess of this nation these almost 42 years.

flamingoman says...

We are in need of some serious political reform in this country!!!

flamingoman says...

Thank you Mr. Mitchell...I needed a good laugh today!!!

flamingoman says...

Any government can impose laws to govern...but why are we so naive to think thugs and criminals will follow them. To stand up and say that guns are the problem is intellectually bankrupt. That same philosophy applied to other issues would have us blaming misspelled words on pencils. Guns do not kill people. The problem is not guns...the problem is the heart. Cain killed Abel with a rock. You want to put a dent in this crime??? If the government will not govern (the main purpose for any government is to protect it's people) then at least put a licensed firearm in every lawful citizen's home!

On Shot dead at home defending parents

Posted 29 October 2014, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal