absolutely correct: " The solution for Freeport is to legislate All of Grand Bahama as a Freeport Island and open it up to every type of local and foreign investments and development. "
Grand Bahama should have a popular vote referendum to secede from the Bahamas. The $200,000,000 sent to Nassau every year could easily be distributed to every on GBI and sued to form basic court and health services, fully privatized.
Everyone on GBI would immediately increase their wealth by at least 35% (as that is , at a minimum , what is stolen from you, at gunpoint, by Bahamian government workers)
fporesident says...
absolutely correct: " The solution for Freeport is to legislate All of Grand Bahama as a Freeport Island and open it up to every type of local and foreign investments and development. "
Grand Bahama should have a popular vote referendum to secede from the Bahamas. The $200,000,000 sent to Nassau every year could easily be distributed to every on GBI and sued to form basic court and health services, fully privatized.
Everyone on GBI would immediately increase their wealth by at least 35% (as that is , at a minimum , what is stolen from you, at gunpoint, by Bahamian government workers)
On Customs attendance fees off-limits for Grand Bahama Chamber action
Posted 20 September 2013, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal