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fstyles612 says...

One cannot judge the future based on the grade point average of students. And whose to say that they won't become something better in the future? I didn't do well in all of my BGCSE's but I still went to college, my grades improved and I now have a consistent gpa between 3.50 and up. And even if someone doesn't go to college, they may end up starting their own business. Good grades only happen because of good studying habits or simply good memory. Grades don't determine one's ability. It only shows where one gave effort. If these kids really want something out of life and they believe that it's possible, they will get it! Don't judge how someone appears now, they may surprise you in the end. Our economy will only worsen if we keep telling students they need to go to college to get a good job. This type of thinking stifles creativity, which causes this 'brain drain' in society.