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g945 says...

"when you talk about gender equality you are actually talking about taking power from one gender and giving it to the other." Gender equality is about ensuring equal opportunity between men and women. And you talk about poor men being the victims in gender equality? And what do men do when they no longer control his wife? You can't see how it works? It's 2014 sir, to hell with the old school, and do yourself a favor and do some light reading on women's struggles, even in the our Bahamas.

g945 says...

Men and Women are equal, sorry sir. What a misogynist pig! If the poor countrymen and women of the Bahamas were more education, there would be more liberation of women. Women need to assert themselves in this country. Your use of other mammals as an example to support patriarchy is ridiculous. Some mammals are cannabilistic, so does that entitle us to do the same? Many mammals practice homosexual behaviours, so it shouldn't be deemed as wrong by your logic, huh? The Bahamas is so far behind...

signed, a student away studying sociology and psychology.