Comment history

gangof4 says...

"Minnis' minions" (LoL) are so desperate in knowing that nothing they are doing is resonating.....blah, blah blah??

Just as a matter of interest, you know this how??

gangof4 says...

On Friday, December 4 2015, the Department of Statistics released a report called the "Market Information Newsletter". In it, it noted that of the 556 graduates from C.O.B. that year, 409 were female and 147 were male. Of the 55 graduates from the Bahamas Baptist Community College, 43 were female and 12 were male. Of the 220 graduates from the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, 139 were female and 81 were male. And at the level of the national high school exams, females almost always have more grades than males by a two-to-one margin, as many boys drop out of school before grade 12.
As one leading psychiatrist put it, "A lot of young males .....know they can't read, write and do arithmetic like the girls, so they feel shamed as being dumb. What they have left is physical prowess. So they can join the gang and use their physical prowess to make society suffer."

gangof4 says...

LMAO, what an absolute s**t show this has become!! The village idiot is now an appointed member of the legislative branch of the government of the Bahamas!!

I swear, you can't make this stuff up.

On Moncur named as Senate pick

Posted 20 December 2016, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

You know, you talk far too much sense for this forum.

I couldn't agree more.

On Dupuch: Rebels have handed election to PLP

Posted 15 December 2016, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

"For his part, Mr D’Aguilar said he still believed the FNM is the better alternative to the failed PLP. He said he will refuse to take a side in this battle, but instead will remain neutral as a member of the FNM."

So when did he "proclaim his undying loyalty to Dimwitted Doc Minnis"? I must have missed that one!! Idiot.

On Bran calls for Minnis to quit

Posted 14 December 2016, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

Exactly. No where in this article does he say that he supports one faction over the other. He clearly states that he supports the FNM. This ain't his battle

gangof4 says...

In the run-up to the general election next year, the PLP have informed any business or entity receiving funds from the government that they MUST use PLP supporters & friends if they contract out the work. At the same time, only PLP members (both old and current) and supporters will be receiving contracts that are awarded directly by the government.

In other words, the beneficiaries of any work that is being paid for by the Bahamian taxpayer will only be those persons affiliated to the PLP party.

And they telling you that straight.......

gangof4 says...

Flower not jewellery, but yeah, you're 100% correct.

gangof4 says...

Right now, Flyin' Freddy has decided to escape "the heat" and has run off to Dubai with his "entourage" and Bahamasuncensored buddies, all on the Bahamian taxpayers dime!!

This man just ain't checkin'

gangof4 says...

LoL.....what a clueless jackass Perry has become.

It's quite obvious that he must mastabate to the sound of his own voice!!

On PM: I will meet protest leaders

Posted 25 November 2016, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal