Comment history

gangof4 says...

So sayth the bahamian version of Baghdad Bob/Comical Ali!!


gangof4 says...

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

gangof4 says...

Hold this article about Fred Smith or the comments that Wayne Munroe made???


gangof4 says...

"...If political parties can’t control their outlandish members, maybe it’s time the voters do"

We can only hope.

On PLP controversy is ‘modus operandi’

Posted 11 December 2015, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

"There are just too many people getting away with killing someone,at least for a good while. Less persons will go before the courts for committing murder this year than the number that committed the crime and are still free.this is one of the main things that needs to be fixed"

Except, of course, if you're a rich, white lady from Lyford Cay, with the best legal team money can buy!! Extraordinary..........

gangof4 says...

You know, I might not always agree with everything Rollins might say, but one thing I really hate are people who "shoot the messenger".......those are the REAL losers. Rollins made some legitimate points, comment or disagree with those, not the fact that he said them.

gangof4 says...

Perhaps one of the stupidest, most ridiculous things ever proposed by any government administration in our entire history.

You really couldn't make this "Sugar, Honey (and) Ice Tea" up if you tried (although some pin head obviously did)!

gangof4 says...

Actually, if I remember correctly, the Bahamas government **owes** Baha Mar approx. $21 million so that amount is misleading. Don't believe the government has paid that back yet so I guess everybody has adopted the attitude of "we owe you $21 million and you owe us $19 it even!!"

On Baha Mar files for bankruptcy

Posted 30 June 2015, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

Exactly. And the press is also constrained on how it reports the case before the courts. It has absolutely nothing to do whether a person is rich or poor, black, brown or white, Bahamian, American, Haitian or whatever.

gangof4 says...

So is the article (three stories above this) on the "alleged" drug dealer"s (Melvin Maycock) extradition case open for comments? Of course it isn't!!

Any case being heard in court is subject to limitations on what can and cannot be printed in the press.

As the comment

On Customers robbed at gunpoint in Freeport

Posted 27 April 2015, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal