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gangof4 says...

Actually, the Cuban (Refugee) Adjustment Act (CAA) is a US federal law, enacted in 1966 during the Johnson Administration, which gave Cubans special dispensation with regards to immigrating to the US, when compared to any other country. The "wet foot, dry foot" policy, enacted during the Clinton Administration in 1994, and a further revision to the act in 1995, was an amendment/revision to this "special law", when the status quo of U.S. policy toward Cuban migrants was altered significantly. Whereas before, there was basically an open door policy towards Cuban migrants, the Clinton revisions actually made it more difficult for them to enter the US. The point of the new laws was basically to create a more safe, legal and orderly policy. Prior to 1995, the US had been reluctant to repatriate people to Cuba and the Cuban government typically had also refused to accept Cuban migrants back - probably the Mariel boat lift ("Scarface") when Fidel emptied out his prisons and institutions for the criminally insane and sent them to the States had a lot to do with this. At the end of the day, Cubans are treated differently because a special act of congress, passed nearly 50 years ago, during the height of the Cold War.


Posted 19 August 2013, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

Here’s what one of Nygard’s former ladies had to say about the Nygard International CEO:

“Peter has a lot of women and he supported us all financially. I was Peter’s –th girlfriend and Pamela Anderson was dating him too.

Pam was getting $38K a month to be Peter’s girlfriend. Beverly Johnson was getting sponsored by Peter too. I don’t know how much he was paying Beverly, but I know I was only getting $5K a month.

I was pissed at what I was getting paid so I asked Peter why is Pam making more than me? Peter told me ‘Black girls were cheaper’. Peter always kept the morning after pill around because he didn’t want any girl trying to get pregnant on him.

Jacky, Peter’s main girl can’t go to the bathroom when she wakes up in the morning. Know why? Because Peter’s main girl has to go straight to his room and urinate and defecate on him. Don’t believe me? Ask Suelyn Medeiros.

He used to take us to the Bahamas and that’s where a lot of sh*t when down but that’s another story.

I’ll say this Peter is a f*****g racist.”…

On Nygard claims target Bacon

Posted 16 July 2013, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

I have never really understood the reason why if a girl who comes into a clinic or hospital to have a baby and she is clearly under the age of consent, the authorities are not called and an investigation takes place. On the other hand, maybe they are informed and like most things, it's just not "high on the agenda".

When was the last time we read that an adult was prosecuted after a minor had given birth? Considering that a high percentage of births in our country involve mothers 16 years of age or under, it's always baffled me why we never hear about this!

Like all homicides involving babies and children however, this is truly a very sad and tragic event. Collectively, we as a community, failed this innocent little boy badly.

gangof4 says...

Post of the week. I couldn't have said it any better.

For the last decade or more we have been producing D- students from seriously dysfunctional families ("........'das my baby daddy!!") with little to no skills to function and compete in today's global economy. And now, because of a complete breakdown in our educational institutions and family dynamics, the consequences are rampant xenophobia, skyrocketing crime and significant social unrest. What's particularly appalling is the glee with which certain politicians have latched onto anti-foreign feeling (never mind that the most successful and largest employers in this country AREN"T Bahamian) and exploit it - without the slightest concern for the implications for the nation's economy. If they get what they say they wish for.... good luck!

On Bahamians march on parliament

Posted 5 May 2013, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

These are the facts: from 2002 through 2012 we had over 800 murders in the Bahamas. In the period from 2002 - 2007, 9 people were convicted for murder. From 2007 - 2012, 26 people were convicted for murder. So out of the 800+ murders in our country for the 10 year period, less than 40 people have actually gone to jail. Or put simply, for every 100 murders, less than 5 people are serving time for this serious crime!!!

I know who I (and the majority of my fellow Bahamians) think is winning this war........and it ain't law enforcement!!


Posted 21 April 2013, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

I totally agree with you. It never ceases to amaze me that a country as broke as we are is wasting valuable resources arresting, charging and convicting individuals (and especially young persons) for possession of " gram of Indian hemp (marijuana)" which has a street value of approximately $2 or $3!!! Surely, a warning for the first offence, followed by the issuance of something like the equivalent of a speeding fine, i.e. $75 or even $100 the second time, would make a whole lot more sense and then the mandatory attendance to rehab classes would follow. This makes even more sense when you see major cocaine dealers electing to go to magistrates court and getting 3 or 4 year sentences (with no confiscation of assets) for having 5 to 10 kilos of coke (or more) with a value in the hundreds of thousands of dollars (and sometimes in the millions) that can literally destroy whole communities, the Bahamas in the 1980s and early 1990s being a perfect example. And many, many more Bahamians die each year of illnesses related to tobacco and alcohol than marijuana has ever caused. When it comes to "weed", we should be doing a lot more education rather than incarceration as opposed to cocaine where the penalties should be life in prison, or something close. Our laws, as they stand now, are absolutely ridiculous!!

gangof4 says...

Six months additional time for a major drug dealer who escapes from jail.....

Six months for the son of the drug dealer, who exchanged places with his father in jail when he escaped....

Six months for the police officer who also assisted the drug dealer to escape from jail....

One year for Wrinkle for tiefin' current......

Says it all really!!

On Melvin Maycock Sr and son are sentenced

Posted 20 February 2013, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

"If it looks like a rat......smells like a rat.........!" How in the hell could a Minister of Education, who is suddenly thrust into the temporary position of Attorney General for a couple of days because the "real" AG as well as the junior minister in that department are "away", be allowed to make such an important and controversial decision on a case that has been running for almost 3 years!!! Couldn't this kind of decision have waited maybe a couple of days when all the relevant parties were back on island? Even the magistrate seemed stunned by this development. I understand that the AG represented this couple in her life before being appointed AG, but.......Something is just not right here and it needs a lot of explaining to the Bahamian people.

gangof4 says...

Dr. Minnis you are 100% right. Do not allow this to be swept under the carpet like so many other things here. In my opinion, this is certainly one of the most bizarre things to have happened in our extremely flawed criminal justice system and it's imperative that you and the Bahamian public get all the answers.

gangof4 says...

Our criminal justice system is a complete joke! A couple of years ago a study showed that our conviction rate was about 12% for all people brought up on charges if I remember correctly. Seems like nothings really changed. Either the police are doing a super sloppy job in bringing the evidence to the prosecutors (generally beating the crap out of someone to get a confession probably won't hold up in court) or the prosecution department in the AG's office is completely inept..............or both!! No wonder some people think that the only recourse is to take the law into their own hands. The whole thing stinks and we the people suffer.

On Robbery trial duo acquitted

Posted 1 February 2013, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal