Comment history

genetk44 says...

Looks like alot of undersize conch. Plus these guys could have untied and let the conch go once they knew they weren't going to be able to sell them....this was just gratuitous waste by these folks.

genetk44 says...

Yes it has completely changed..for the better.

genetk44 says...

Neville Chamberlin and the British people learned the hard way...appeasement never works.

On EU blacklists over money laundering

Posted 6 May 2020, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

genetk44 says...

jrcw11136.....Since March is not yet over you won't be able to access or receive your March bill until after April 1. I've been using the online system for years and in general it works well. I agree the changes they made recently are a pain in the butt and the new format of the actual online bill is not nearly as good as the old format, it doesn't seem to have qite as much details as before, it still seems to work ok.

On BPL cash crisis as payments collapse

Posted 31 March 2020, 6:35 a.m. Suggest removal

genetk44 says...

“...sharks serve no purpose.....” Dumbest comment ever!

genetk44 says...

I worked in the tourism and watersports sector for over 20 years and I have more clue about the Bahamian ecosystem than youdo it would seem. Spear-fishermen get to deal with sharks, it goes with the territory. You wade in stirred up cloudy water at the surfline there is a chance you’ll have an unpleasant experience. Eat enough barracuda or amberjack or hogfish and good chance you’ll head to the hospital at some point. The Bahamas will never be self-sufficient, it will always need outside investment, be it tourists, hoteliers or other entrepreneurs....the country can’t survive without help from the outside. It’s too bad the girl died and this guy got bit...been happening for time immemorial and will continue. Our numbers for shark bites/deaths are among the smallest in the world, especially when you calculate all the numbers of people who enter Bahamian waters, both those who want no interaction with sharks and those who intentionally seek it.

On Shark feeding blamed for attacks

Posted 2 July 2019, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

genetk44 says...

You’re just uneducated. End of story

On Shark feeding blamed for attacks

Posted 2 July 2019, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

genetk44 says...

You have zero proof that we have lost thousands killed by proof at all. You just running your mouth and talking nonsense.

On Shark feeding blamed for attacks

Posted 2 July 2019, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

genetk44 says...

Yes its sad this lady lost her life. This guy was spearfishing, shark bites go with the territory. To suggest we need a season for hunting sharks because there are too many suggests one of two things...either you’re incredibly stupid or you’re greedy and see a way to make money and fill your pockets by hunting or fishing for sharks. Shark-feeding has been done in the Bahamas for over 30 years. Over that time Hundreds of thousands of people have been swimming, snorkelling and scuba-diving within yards of those feeding areas, all with probably less than 10 bites and no deaths over that same 30 years. In that same time frame of 30 years we’ve had about 20 injuries and 2 deaths that I can recall, and one of those deaths was a “ shark researcher” doing something stupid for the cameras. Out of all the bites over those same 30 years probably all except 2 or 3 were people who were spearfishing or in the area of spearfishing.

On Shark feeding blamed for attacks

Posted 2 July 2019, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

genetk44 says...

How long do you think this sharkfeeding has been going on for in the Bahamas?

On US woman dies after shark attack

Posted 27 June 2019, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal