Comment history

glasshalffull says...

are you serous ??? to even joke about sex with a child is not only gross but totally in nasty you should be arrested.

glasshalffull says...

I am not going to even think about it for a second, i will let my original comment stand with one caveat he who is without sin, you know the rest
wishing for you a forgiving day from the beautiful island of Jamaica.

glasshalffull says...

Some of you people are despicable, all you do is seek to malign and trash people,
whoever or whatever he was, he is now dead.
leave the man family alone you pigs. you dogs, you ungrateful set of godforsaken people,
everybody has faults , at the very least some of you are thieves and, he who is without sin cast the first stone.
my family has never benefit from his kindness or has never experience his "faults" even if i did in death all is forgiven. god gives us all a brain to use, some of you will not die in your homes, but in the gutter like a dog.

glasshalffull says...

"Banker ... you are majoring in the minor, capitals and punctuations does not change the subject or the substance. your style is to find faults ... mine is to have a decent discussion, now i see most of you cannot have any semblance of basis common sense to have a discussion .
have a great day

glasshalffull says...

what is so very sad about this person who so aptly call it self "sickened"
is that you brink absolutely nothing to the discourse but abuse and name calling.. i am sickened by it. that is what is wrong with you people if others dont share your views they are PLP.. you ARE the moron.. more than that you are a complete dunce ... have a great day ... jackass!!!

On Ingraham: Fire all of the PLP

Posted 4 May 2017, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

glasshalffull says...

baha mar is open people are employed ... you people are sick in the head, because of politics you would prefer the hotel to remain closed... man o man common sense nuh common...
when people are employed that is one less person to beg or steal.. it dosnt matter who got it open ... the fact is the government of the day did the job... forget the blasted politics ... work is work... dr. minnis is much too desperate to be given the job of prime minister

On Ingraham: Fire all of the PLP

Posted 3 May 2017, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

glasshalffull says...

just saying... i much prefer a beggar to a thief or a taxdodger.. no matter where it happens... dishonesty in any form is bad.....
taxes are needed to pay for services such as hospital, water, roads
whatever the amount ... comply then complain...
the parties all have skeleton in their closets but ... i will hold my nose and vote for the beggar ... not the taxdodger..
plus dr. minnis needs some basic social skills, ... he will pass you bounce you without saying a word.. morning noon or night.. no manners

say what you like about christie ... he has a little manners (middle finger aside)... pity lbt mess in her ness.

glasshalffull says...

is that all you can contribute to the discourse ??? no wonder some of you are so dense... we are all people who are living in struggling economy .....i am a very independent person who wants invests ... in your country as i do in mine... to provide much needed jobs... but the more i read the undiluted stupidness some of you spew the more i reconsider my options...quite frankly if Dr. Minis is elected i will not put my money there, anybody who tears down their country for sheer political gain cannot be good for any country..

glasshalffull says...

i will never understand the complete idiocy ... when it comes to that hotel... i have no dog in this fight i am a Jamaican ... to be honest i much prefer the PLP to the FNM ..
i believe Dr. Minnis is much too desperate to be trusted with a Country plus he is very rude , abrupt, surly and as said before desperate,
the hotel is on track to be open ... people are paid... people are getting jobs.. my god Dr. Minnis it is not about you it is about the people of that beautiful Country cal the Bahamas..get over your self..

glasshalffull says...

i am not sure why an adult would tell such a "checkable " lie .. adults Must at all cost be able to own up if you make an error ... mr Gray MUST own his mistakes ..i will be kind and give him the benefit of the doubt where the much discussed Chinese Agriculture issue is concern... i have found that Mr. Gray to forget easily some of the most basic things.... probably The Prime Minister should consider replacing him... i must confess i dont have a horse in this race as i am a "foreigner " i just dont think Dr. Minnis is ready for the job of prime minister ... Mr. Christie may very well not be the ideal choice but he is MUCH better for the country that Dr. Minnis. Alfred Gray aside ...