Comment history

gogo says...

No entering into facts, only nationalist and xenophobic blah blah.
Too bad ...

On An oily Bahamas Christmas

Posted 22 November 2020, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

gogo says...

Some thinking,
electricity comes out of the socket!???
Onshore the Bahamas there ist millions of barrels stored in tanks. Not dangerous?
Thousands of ships go through bahamian waters every month. Not dangerous?
If there would any small or larger spill, this would only affect cuban shore!
Has every body read about the EIA of BPC? Is there any well ever drilled in the world, where at the drill ship are advisers of the government, to control every task of the drill team?
Sorry, but why are there just only two or three weeks before the well will be started, people on the scenery - are they looking for financial compensation from BPC, to give away there loud
protests and lawyers requests???
And Bahamian debt reached 8.9 bilions, to go green costs a lot of money.

On An oily Bahamas Christmas

Posted 22 November 2020, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal