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goodbyebahamas says...

Tell that to God to his face when you meet him on judgment day Regardless, because he picked a false god believer and a murderer to free his people out of bondage from the Egyptians. If this man has God backing his a$$ up for what is right, no one will be able to f**k with him.

goodbyebahamas says...

I agree with you 100% Bogart, but with old women abusing dinosaurs like that big mouth MF-er woman slapper Leslie Miller in Parliament, women in the Bahamas will be slave for another 100 years.

goodbyebahamas says...

The RBPF doesn't want their team to lose the drug gang war, it will never end if there is money to be made; do you get it now?

On Kemp Road drive-by shooting leaves a man dead

Posted 14 January 2017, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

I have no clue what your talking about.

goodbyebahamas says...

I don't believe Bahamians are stupid, your good hearted people who's hearts have been harden a little by your oppression; that's all. It took a long time to realize they were screwing you guys, but at least now whoever becomes your next government will know your keeping in eye on them and won't put up with their crap. When things get better your friendly attitudes will come back, and your eyes will open again, how can it not, the Bahamas is beautiful my friend. Thanks, spelling is not my game, math is. And after me $hitting on poor Birdie for not speaking correctly, what a MF-ing dumba$$ I am Birdie; please feel free to enjoy my self degrading to the max.

goodbyebahamas says...

Your right Dilly Tree, she's opening up old wounds that will never heal in the PLP mafia's world. Use your money for psychological rape trauma Mrs. Blackwood, RBPF are laughing at us already, don't add to the joke.

goodbyebahamas says...

Then protect him cause he's going to get whacked by the Bahamian syndicate; any bets? Not a gambler, but I love math, 1 + 1,000 = 0 for the PLP, 1 - 1,000 = 0 for the 1,000; easy math.

goodbyebahamas says...

hahahahaha! i just though of my other dead uncle, God rest his soul. What a F-ing nut, use to walk around the Bronx in the summer outside in a pink bathrobe and bugs bunny slippers talking to himself....LOL...."Intentional" not "Incompetent". No one F-ed with him, everyone thought he was nuts, "Intentional" not "Incompetent", do you see the difference now?

goodbyebahamas says...

"Incompetent"....LOL... the PLP laughs at you every time people use that word against them. "Intentional" is the word you need to focus on because "Incompetent" is what they've successfully convince you to think their doing. It's also so known as revise phycology, "They think I'm dumb, but in the meantime I'll rob the $hit out of them".....LOL..... Best organized syndicate I've ever seen!

goodbyebahamas says...

MonkeeDoo, this is what's so great about this guy, he doesn't want to be a politician, not making a dime, and willing to die for the good of his people. Moses was a believer in false gods, a murderer, but still for some reason God chose him. Not only did he choose him, but made him his most honored prophet by giving him a private burial that only God knows where he lies to this day. I truly believe his followers should protect Mr. Henfiled day and night, the PLP will definitely try to whack him.