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goodone says...

I notice that he is pointing fingers. Maybe he's been in the Bahamas too long. Bahamians point fingers too. Is it okay for only Bahamians to do that and not investing foreigners to state feelings too? He sees what Bahamians see. A weak or incompetant government

goodone says...

The Bahamas had help before though. That's how most Bahamians learned proper english through the British english teachers. Police forces were brought in to teach Bahamians how to police the streets and what not. Maybe outside help isn't so bad. It helped before. I think he's right in some levels. Just my opinion

goodone says...

I pray this is over and done with quickly. It's just pure garbage and nonsense all over. 2 million to Janet Jackson? Those people who wanted that in the first place are extremely confused.

goodone says...

It's crazy how some people minds are so twisted to think it is okay to just snap photos of the badly injured or dead persons. It's like they never put themselves in the helpless person situation. It's so sickening and sad the mental state of some folks.

goodone says...

You seem broken. Dont ak ways think negative my friend

On New book soars up the sales charts

Posted 9 December 2014, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal

goodone says...

So angry man. Geesh

On ‘The s*** has hit the fan’

Posted 9 December 2014, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

goodone says...

Cussing on the headlines!.. Yikes don't cry for God's help when your headlines are like that. Adults want teenagers to act accordingly and righteous, but they are no good example. Just wanted to point out

On ‘The s*** has hit the fan’

Posted 9 December 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

goodone says...

It is alot of money paid out for overtime. I think we really have to think about it as if what if we were those workers, would we deserve it? All that hard work. Being away from your family because you have to isn't easy. Personally I think since jobs are so scarce in The Bahamas maybe individuals should go into electrical training. BEC is stating they don't have much skilled persons. Why study to be a photographer when there is a field in BEC waiting for you. Figuratively speaking that is. Don't be mad they are getting paid alot for their hard work. You rather jump for joy for an individual thinking of a random number in seconds or overnight in their sleep and potentially winning the same amount that hard worker made. Man the people of the Bahamas need some serious value check.

On Union chief: BEC overtime well-deserved

Posted 30 November 2014, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

goodone says...

Mr. Dorsett is concerned. Why attack him? Ease up Bahamians.

On Late in ordering hazmat suits

Posted 10 October 2014, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

goodone says...

Women are just sometimes emotionally dumb. Especially messing with a married man. Are you looking for happiness? Seriously? Find Jesus then.