Comment history

greasemonkey says...

brave brave woman. please give bank account number for those of us who live on the family islands.

On In need of help to fight against disease

Posted 8 April 2015, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

greasemonkey says...

As a long suffering teacher I supported Belinda when she initially ran for office ,however over the years she has assumed the mantle of a dictator. It is beyond belief that she has to be suspended again in view of her still unexplained and unauthorized tampering of the pension fund however I am aware of the latest charges against her and once again she has been overstepping her mandate without recourse or consultation with her executive. The tragedy is that having been to many AGM meetings there is a body of elderly female teachers who are blinkered and would support anybody that talks loud enough, and the relative complexity of these suspect financial transactions is beyond their mathematical abilities. Bet they change their tune when they are denied the BUT pension that everybody has been paying into but is insufficient for payouts.
I guess true to form when Belinda is hopefully kicked out at this years (expensive) AGM she will get a cushy job in the Ministry of Education like previous BUT Presidents.

greasemonkey says...

As a technical teacher of 30 + years I can say without fear of contradiction that education never changes despite the rhetoric, the wasted schemes, the constant days off for useless workshops, and other nonsense. On my family island we NEVER receive supplies, get notices and salary slips months after they were drafted and work in conditions sometimes bordering on primitive. Its not more money that is needed but better allocation of assets, a proper school working environment, a total and severe reduction in in all these wasteful events and young teachers who take take days off at the drop of a hat. Maybe even promote teachers who show genuine ability to Head teacher positions rather than those that simply walk the political butt licking path.

On PM: My govt will not be matched

Posted 30 March 2015, 7:50 p.m. Suggest removal

greasemonkey says...

What a disgrace as a Prime Minister, he should be above throwing insults like this in a public forum. Tragically we are back to the old days of corruption, political cronyism and gross inefficiency and he has the balls to talk about integrity and telling the truth.