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greenflag says...

How do you know when Club Land'or is lying? Their mouth is open and flapping. The headlines had me baffled. I was just there past June 2018. I thought, hell they don't have 19 people working in the whole pathetic place. There are 70 units. However, there are only four(4) lounge chairs by the pool. And all four(4) have plywood in the seats, so you won't fall through.the things.
Even the General Manager (Prince Lolly Pop) has a broken down car near the front door. We just used our LAST week at the junk yard.

On PI resort terminates 19 eatery workers

Posted 16 January 2019, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

greenflag says...

Just like any other politician. Can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar. They must be spending the people's money like a drunken sailor. That is a 70% increase in VAT Tax. Are they crazy? If the average citizen did their finances like the Gov't does theirs, they would be broke and in bankruptcy. I'm glad we are coming on June 1st, for the last time. I have been coming to PI since 1973. I watched the Bahamian flag get raised up for the first time. Such a beautiful homeland and wonderful people of the Bahamas. The next rain storm, will tears from Heaven because Minis is coming and he's bringing hell with him.

greenflag says...

Nassau is not a big island. I'm sure the police know where all the Nuckleheads live. They should fan out in groups of five(5), and raid every known hideout or rock these scum live under. I witnessed a bag being dropped from a Cruise ship(in harbor) into a go fast boat, with a bunch of Kuckleheads in it. Was it dope or guns? We were on our way to Harbor Island on the Bo Henry, when I saw this transaction. The police need to say, "that's it, we've had enough" "We are now going to be one big bad ass".

On UPDATED: School shocked by teacher’s murder

Posted 12 November 2015, 9:27 p.m. Suggest removal

greenflag says...

On January 29, 2009, Germano saw a news report about Chinese drywall, and the pieces started to fall into place. Experts had begun to realize the walls were releasing hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds, especially when humidity rose.

Hydrogen sulfide, known as "sewer gas," is colorless, flammable, poisonous and pungent. It smells like rotten eggs or burned matches, but after exposure over time, it can become difficult to detect the odor.

The highly corrosive gas is produced by the breakdown of organic materials, and it pools in low-lying areas because it's heavier than air. It can turn copper wires black and render them useless - even if they're protected by plastic coating. It fries essentially anything that runs on electricity.
Good luck with that.

greenflag says...

Keep it up, boys. Next thing you know, ya'll be working in their rice patties. You let them get a foot hold, and they will replace Junkanoo with Chinese New Year with dragons in the street.…

greenflag says...

Lets not forget the American girl that was raped and murdered over by Cabbage Beach back in 1997. And the British girl that was also raped and murdered, at the same time by the same person.. They convicted the boy of the British girl, but somehow was not convicted for the American murder. I guess his butt is still rotting in Fox Hill prison.
I have personally seen a bag dropped from a Cruise ship into a "Go Fast Boat" driven by thugs. And they wonder how all these guns, ammo, & drugs enters Nassau.

greenflag says...

I agree with adrian gibson. There is so much to do, to bring the Bahamas back to it's glory days. The government seems to have nothing but lip service.
One of the highlights of "Old Town Nassau", would be to bring back Steel Pan bands. Teach the children this instrument. Have them at the airport when your visitors step off the planes. Have steel pans every few blocks in downtown (Bay St.). The only person that has reenergized this mode of original Bahamian flavor is Falcon Watson.…

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Let's look at tourism

Posted 24 September 2013, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

greenflag says...

Asphyxiation can be determined by what is know as Petechiae eye. This is the rupture of the small Capillaries (veins) in the sclera (white part of the eye). This is seen in persons that are strangled or suffer asphyxiation from trauma. Pathology 101.

On Asphyxia not ruled out in boy's death

Posted 10 July 2013, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal