Comment history

guyfawkes says...

Island Administrators acting as Magistrates is not a new phenonemon. This has been the practice for some time. The only question that i have on this whole situation, what would have been the consequences if Mr. Newbold (being the Island Administrator) did not follow the orders of Mr. Gray (Minister of Local Government) in this situation. Could Mr. Newbold defy the orders of his Minister (Gray being his boss) without reprecussions. If he could not, then i would suggest that the government make a law to protect Island Administrators from the abuse of the executive.

guyfawkes says...

I see you like appealing to people's emotions. I have brought you facts, all easily verifiable but emotions are easier to take advantage. When did Mr. smith say that all illegal immigrants should stay? When did anyone accuse anyone in the government of dressing up the KKK? When did anyone say to make a criminal a citizen? Your emotions may be high, lacking integrity is a sin.

On Mitchell: Activists defamed country

Posted 23 March 2015, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

guyfawkes says...

There are International Laws and our own Constitution that speaks to the Rights of both citizens and illegals within our communities. From the very beginning I heard Mr. Smith as that the Immigration Policy be clear, concise and layout a path to citizenship. If this is an unreasonable request, then something has to be either "unethical, immoral or corrupt" within the system. Some of his claims are not unfounded either as there is imperical proof that there is at least the stain of abuse at the centre (allegations of abuse and rape). Then there's the Junkanoo pictures of the black KKK trying to intimidate him, this was the second time he encountered these individuals as reported by the Tirbune itself and confirmed by the Police. Mr. Smith said that the Dentention Centre existed but there were no laws governing it, he was right and the government was forced to table legislation. Mr. Smith said that it was not right for women with children to be held at the Detention Centre, he was right and the women and children were hastily removed from the Centre. If Mr. Smith was right on the first two points, couldn't he be right that there are some things we can do differently with the Immigration Policy. Wake up Bahamas, Politicians do not have our best interest at heart, they want votes at the end of the day and that includes Minister Mitchell.

On Mitchell: Activists defamed country

Posted 23 March 2015, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

guyfawkes says...

Why are they complete lunatice ramblings and if so, why has the minister simply not meet with the group and put all this to rest. The Minister is a servant of the people and therefore should go about the people's business. He has presented himself as spoilt brat because someone dares to have an opposing view on his immigration policy.

guyfawkes says...

Mr. Mitchell invited this issue to become an International sensation by being unreasonable and telling Mr. Smith and Co. that he would not sit down an talk with them until they withdrew claims that human rights abuses occurred in the Bahamas at the Detention Centre. I think Mr. Mitchell forgets that five marines have been charged with beating Cuban Detainees and an Immigration Officer was charged for rape, all extending from this same detention centre. Mr. Mitchell's refusal to meet and discuss Human rights violations with Mr. Smith can be blamed for the need to escalate this issue to someone outside the country that may actually listen to this Human rights group. To many times we as Bahamians like to sweep things under the mat and act like all is perfect, we need to expose unethical, immoral and corrupt practices, this is the only way for things to change. To all government officials, this is a new day and i hope more Bahamians find ways to fight the system in a non-violent way.

On Mitchell: Activists defamed country

Posted 23 March 2015, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

guyfawkes says...

Stoke my genitals all you want Tal, i know you want to anyway. Its does not matter if any delegation receives funds, I am sure our Minister certainly receives my funds. In fact, he may be travelling right now with said funds. We don't pay Fred Smith, we pay Minister Mitchell and he should be accountable to any citizen at any given time. Minister Mitchell started a war and now wants to go mid battle and try to ask the person not to call in reinforcements.

guyfawkes says...

What is so sad about the commentary on this page is the fact that some many people are always willing to forget facts as they persue their own agendas. Fact, the government flat out denied any abuse of illegal immigrants, we know this to be untruth. How can you claim no abuse of illegal immigrants occurs when, you have five marines facing charges of beating Cuban detainees and an Immigration Officer being charged for rape. Of course, no one believes that the government sanctions abuse, but at least man up and admit when mistakes are made. As for Fred Smith and crew, this non-sense that there is a local methods of dealing with this issue are false, they were blatantly told by the Minister of Immigration that he would not sit down and talk to them. If Mr. Mitchell does not want to talk to them locally, then he has invited them to take their fight to the International Agencies.

guyfawkes says...

I have suggest the removal of alot of the insulting and degrading material posted on the Tribune's Website by "generalcrazy". It is my hope that the Tribune would place a ban on his\her user name and e-mail address. While we have freedom of speech, it is not entirely free, you still need to be responsible. A part of being responsible is allowing others the ability to express their views. "generalcrazy" has taken this site for hostage and insults everyone in the process including the Tribune, but logs in so consistently to control the flow of every conversation. Tribune, please get this right as reading the comments attached to these stories is getting to point where the average reader such as myself would rather read Bahamas Press, at least you know the type comments you expect to see.

On 'Tell the public truth over BAMSI'

Posted 11 March 2015, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

guyfawkes says...

Still Rollins spoke out against the VAT bills and voted "Yes", let him vote "No" first, then I`'ll be impressed. Until then he is a politician doing the exact same thing as Christie. They say one thing for the camera but still go with the flow.

guyfawkes says...

Isn't the same Dr. Rollins that spoke out against the Constitutional Bills but still voted "Yes", to all the bills. I am not impressed yet Rollins, vote "No" first then you may convince me.