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haitianboy says...

If the populace really knew how bad crime has gotten there would be a nation wide panic; people would be afraid to venture out of their homes and socialize outdoors and tourist would hesitate to travel to the Bahamas.

I have a lot of friends who are police officers, they told me if every serious crime was reported in this country it would have a serious impact on the economy.

Crime is never a political problem rather a social problem. Prime Minister Perry Christie, Bernard Nottage and Hubert Minnis cannot prevent a murder or an arm robbery. It all goes back to proper parenting and instilling Godly values in children from the time they can walk and talk. Parents also must lead by example, children mimic just about everything they do.

We as parents must ensure that we are doing our very best to raise our children; not just financially but with our time and positive presence in the home and community.

haitianboy says...

Are you telling the world that your a doctor!!!!???? my god, my god!!!

No wonder so many Haitians fear going to the hospital, they always told me that if they go, they may never come back. At first I thought they were being superstitious, but now I am suspicious. For a crazy man such as yourself to be treating people makes me shudder.

The feces you type is not from a person with a medical degree or from a highly respected profession, but from a demented, delusional, mentally disturbed, egotistical maniac, with an obsesses phobia for Haitian nationals.

It's obvious that your attitude towards them is abnormal and psychotic. You same to be suffering from a case of schizophrenia; I recommend that you see a psychiatrist ASAP before you harm yourself (suicide) or someone else.

On FNM: Fire Miller now!

Posted 25 June 2014, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...


Are you telling the world that your a doctor!!!!???? my god, my god!!!

No wonder so many Haitians fear going to the hospital, they always told me that if they go, they may never come back. At first I thought they were being superstitious, but now I am suspicious. For a crazy man such as yourself to be treating people makes me shudder.

The feces you type is not from a person with a medical degree or from a highly respected profession, but from a demented, delusional, mentally disturbed, egotistical maniac, with an obsesses phobia for Haitian nationals.

It's obvious that your attitude towards them is abnormal and psychotic. You same to be suffering from a case of schizophrenia; I recommend that you see a psychiatrist ASAP before you harm yourself (suicide) or someone else.

On FNM: Fire Miller now!

Posted 25 June 2014, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

I agree with you John, this country is too small to accommodate the influx of Haitians. I also can empathize with Bahamians, they are afraid for this country to lose it's identity and become a creole speaking nation.

There must be an amendment to the current immigration laws, but the government is afraid to do so because of backlash form the increasing large legal Haitian community. Like I said before there are a number of persons employed in government who are engaging in the illicit practice of human trafficking for financial gain.

What I won't accept is persons such as SP and Cobalt comparing my ancestors to animals and making derogatory remarks towards them. Haitians are people and should not be treated as or compared to animals or insects.

haitianboy says...

This article offers nothing new, we all know that the current government is indebted to the numbers men and Mr. Nygard.

The numbers boys are on their way to reaping the benefits of their campaign donations.

The practice of political parties receiving donations from private citizens and organizations is done all around the world. These people invest in these parties for gain, such special contracts, favors or some type of bill they wish to lobby. It's the same as investing into a company for future profits.

haitianboy says...


I have long concluded that you are a fool full of venom that will one day poison you. You are a man consume with hatred for a people who are simply seeking a better way of life. God is very sensitive to the plight of the poor, so you need to tread carefully; I strongly advise you to examine your current position. All blacks are African descendants and all of mankind are descendants of Adam and Eve, so essentially your discriminating against your own flesh and blood.

Furthermore what galls you is the fact that Haitian descendants such as myself are now part of the Bahamian culture and have been for decades. Did you know that Stephen Dillet was a Haitian? Most of the Bahamas is filled with multicultural people, where do you think all those different shades of brown came from? Please stop your ignorance; it's just making you appear even more obtuse and nit witted.

On FNM: Fire Miller now!

Posted 24 June 2014, 6:45 p.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

.....and we wonder why we have a crime problem. If those in government are ignoring the law, why should the common man adhere to it?

haitianboy says...

Why fire the man who has the testicular fortified to clean the mess at that so call power plant. B.E.C is responsible for many hardships people face in this country with their bloated service charges and inconsistent power supply.

So he owes? Who doesn't? Heck I owe. Many businesses who depend heavily on eletricity to power machinery are barely making ends meet. All of that high energy cost is past onto the consumer which creates a domino effect in their spending habits.

The government wants to implement a new tax. For what? Collect outstanding taxes, start with the elite of the country who gets a free pass because of their family surname and political connections.

On FNM: Fire Miller now!

Posted 24 June 2014, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

SP or Cobalt the Jackass

Do I sound like a %100 Haitian to you? Since you think I'm not a Bahamian and will never be according to your lofty standards, then I guess I'm what you label me as.

Please give me your real names and contact numbers, I need them to sign you guys up for creole classes at the College of Bahamas. It would be beneficial to both of you to be bilingual for the near future; I will personally foot the college bill. It doesn't make sense fighting the inevitable.

Please don't waste your time on such a silly and inconceivable petition that has no traction; instead focus your time and energy on learning the creole language.

haitianboy says...

SP & Colbat the Jackass.

Just like how Jacob was rename Israel, I now name Colbat, Colbat the Jackass.

So SP you think Bahamians don't do the same thing on the job? Bahamians steal, lie, kill and aren't reliable when it comes to job performance. Why do you think so many companies import their own workers for top positions; they simply don't trust Bahamians. If you look at all facets of this country you would realize that corruption is at the core of everything; that's why the US is spying and recording every single conversation. They're trying to protect their borders from scrupulous Bahamian nationals who engage in the illicit drug trade and human trafficking. Also look at how business is conducted in the government departments, everything gets done in an inefficient manner.

Also, take a look at the murder rate for over the past 5yrs. Bahamians are killing each other over foolishness such as drugs and women. If this murder rate continues this country will be on par in terms of crime with Jamaica.

It is no secret that Haitian children out perform their Bahamian classmates in the classrooms. My sons are the top performers at each of their schools.Bahamians feel threaten by something that is to big to stop. Haitian Bahamians are everywhere, government, schools, law enforcement, hotels and in the medical profession.

You guys need to just accept that fact, no stupid petition will ever stop the flow of migrants or stop Haitians from birthing more children here in the Bahamas. So please shut up and stop typing such nonsense and learn how to speak creole; in the years to come it will be necessary to conduct everyday business in this wonderful country called the Bahamas.

I reviewed that stupid petition that SP is promoting on this site and some of them are far fetch and totally ridiculous