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heath says...

Vaccines work. Look at the numbers in the US, UK, Israel, Bahrain, UAE etc!!! What doesn’t work is stupid and ignorant fear of the vaccine!! What is also stupid is the government restricting who gets the vaccine. We don’t have enough uptake and plenty of doses. The answer as discovered by many nations already is to vaccine as many as possible to create herd immunity. The science is there for all to see, not only for this virus but many others that came before it.
Countries who are having a successful vaccination program are getting off their economic knees and are beginning to open up, produce, create jobs and help the economic recovery. We won’t until we have rational thinking, rational policy and less narrow minded thinking!! But who is listening?

heath says...

So we can do what we please between 5 am and 9pm but not on weekends, and not on public holidays but I can now go get a takeaway on lockdown days?
I am either too stupid to understand this enlightened policy or this Prime Minister is the biggest idiot to hold office in the history of this wonderful nation!!

heath says...

It seems that this fool of a PM, doesn't understand basic human nature. We all want this nonsense weekend lockdown to end, but since we can only go to the supermarket, most of us will do so, even if it is to buy one item. the man is either a complete idiot or a complete idiot.

heath says...

The man is incompetent, out of touch and is pursuing a policy that will destroy the fragile economy. If he had a clue or had a coherent policy, he would explain it. Instead, he comes on TV bubbles along in his verbose, incoherent manner. With every utterance he sounds more and more like a fool.
He has become a dictator who must be challenged in court.