Comment history

hellorg says...

PLP's concern: somewhere in Coopers Town there is a guy named Hubert and another guy named Branville are having regular boil fish breakfast at an undisclosed location......

On A fourth term for Ingraham

Posted 5 March 2013, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

hellorg says...

As a heterosexual/straight Bahamian man, I find the Bishops comments not only baseless but homophobic and repulsive. We are better than this.......

On Bishop: Gays had bad childhood

Posted 22 February 2013, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

hellorg says...

kinda disagree w the premise of the subject heading of this article.
Here is how this plays out;

1. PM request to close all gaming as per the "will of the people".
2. Wayne Munroe files an injunction (which he has committed too effective immediately).
3. Whether or not Wayne wins, PM become the guy that "tried" to enforce the will of the people but was subsequently circumvented and/or by "The Courts". He can now wash his hands on this debacle.

Again, im not sure this is a win for FNM (and/or church etc.).

On Ingraham has the last laugh over referendum

Posted 29 January 2013, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

hellorg says...

The s***tith has hittith the fanith!!!

hellorg says...

Brave has been awfully quiet and non committal (at least publicly) during this entire referendum campaign...hummmm....makes you wonder. He's a smart political. Perhaps he's positioning himself should there be a fall out with the PM who has clearly spent so much political capital of a "yes" vote????Just sayin.......