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hj says...

Another"teachable moment". Sounds like the Bahamian people will have to pay even more now for a building that is supposed to withstand major hurricanes while its roof simply collapsed during a rain. Is it any wonder that the government is getting more aggressive in its tax collection? The people must pay for incompetence and corruption.

On Abaco shelter roof collapses

Posted 2 September 2024, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

Very revealing statement. This along with with the messages and tactics used by DIR clearly show that the government is determined to tax the Bahamian people to the bone so they can keep the bloated civil service at our expense so they can get the votes. Not to mention of course the government contracts that will be given to certain people.
Also an another commentator noted, revenue could be up for many reasons. I suppose in law schools they do not teach economics.

hj says...

"Gradual decline" is supposed to mean before the next general election is called or winter?

hj says...

How about lowering the taxes for the Bahamian people so they can perharps see some relief? How about stop spending our money(taxes) in traveling for you and your entourage around the world? How about stop giving government contracts to persons whose only qualification is their political connections? Fred was also quiet on the recent NIB increases and the rising costs of business. So stop playing politics

hj says...

Are we to believe that this happened without the knowledge of the PM who is also the minister of finance? If this is the case who coordinated this stupidity? Will it be any consequences?
Why the business licence portal was changed and this "estimated" revenue feature was added? Something like this was bound to add confusion,or this was their aim from the beginning,so they can claim that a business is not compliant?
I understand that many businesses are receiving intimidating letters that urge them to come clean. Should these businesses expect a visit from the task force with machine guns?
Whoever authorized this mess should either resign or be removed,although i would not expect such decency.

On PM: 'A better way' on tax compliance

Posted 2 July 2024, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

hj says...

My thoughts exactly. While people are getting shot in a court's parking lot, police show that they can carry machine guns while are checking that businesses pay their taxes.

hj says...

Some DIR and ministry of finance officials looks like they have the attitude of slave owners talking to their properies. Since everything is electronically filed all they have to do is check their computers. If clarifications are needed they can always contact the companies. If something illegal is found then they can take legal action.
This aggressive and ghetto mentality of guns and intimidation will do more harm than good.

hj says...

Shots fired at the parking lot of the courthouse. I suppose police was busy helping DIR to make sure businesses are paying their taxes.

hj says...

The team was not "heavy handed" or "aggressive" in their
approach. Does this mean that people are supposed to be gratefull because no shots were fired. Did they expect the managers and employees of the business to shoot at them?
Are you serious sir?

hj says...

This is simply showing the incompetence and mentality of sone government officials. Showing up with guns for a tax issue. I also understand that a lot of businesses are receiving letters from DIR that are kind of threatening if the business is not compliant,although DIR has all the documents. I guess the slave mentality is alive and well