Comment history

hnhanna says...

The Central Bank of the Bahamas needs to explain the ramification for consumers when they do away the one-cent coin. Do this mean the price of goods going to be an increase or decrease to the nearest 5 cent

On One-cent coin use to cease by end-2020

Posted 18 September 2019, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

hnhanna says...


hnhanna says...

lmao, vat & Custom duties cannot fund the Government budget

hnhanna says...

This is nothing new, the current Minister of Finance said this for a long time

On Bank boss warns: we must act on jobless

Posted 29 July 2019, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

hnhanna says...

The Unions these days lack foresight

hnhanna says...

Just pure bullshit he talking

On Cable: $442m debt slash top 'priority'

Posted 20 July 2019, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

hnhanna says...

BEC/BPL inept is because the last 25 years we had failed leadership at BPL, why is this company still using the 1970,s generators

hnhanna says...

It about time someone pays for making false statements. Facebook & Whassup Apps also need to be sued

hnhanna says...


hnhanna says...

This is a very sad story may their souls R.I.P and we all should wait until all of the facts come out before speculating