Comment history

holymoly says...

This article provides quality and well written information. There are a lot of resorts in Bahamas and the majority of them look amazing. They are having energy efficient systems like those solar panels from <a href="…">…</a> that provide quality energy and an eco friendly environment.

holymoly says...

The majority of the people enjoy staying at the Hilton Hotel when travelling in different countries. Either if you travel to Turkey, Paris or U.S., at the Hilton Hotels you will be always received like a king or a queen. They provide not only some great services but the hotels are having a luxury interior design, with some elegant decorations and furniture. Moreover they are having amazing <a href="">fleur de lis wall art</a> details in every room that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.

On Hilton sale decision by month's end

Posted 21 January 2015, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

This article provides quality and well written information! There are a lot of insurance companies in the U.S. such as those who provide <a href="">health insurance in St. Louis</a> and they are having a lot of success because the majority of the people are paying for insurance policies. The idea of helping the hunger people is great and all the insurance companies should think in doing that.

On Insurance newcomer in Hunger donation

Posted 13 January 2015, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

The financial field has developed a lot in the last decade. The Value Added Tax (VAT) implementation seems to be useful but it won't necessary lead to the Bahamas economy development. There are a lot of people who are running businesses in Bahamas and the majority of them have to pay interest rates for credits opened to different banks such as <a href=""></a> and once with the VAT implementation, their taxes are increasing which is not a good think.

On Low turnout to meeting over VAT implementation

Posted 10 December 2014, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

This is an <a href="…">amazing site</a> where you can find quality information about the real estate market. It developed a lot in the last decades and there are many people interested in buying properties. Moreover people are more interested in buying then renting which is great as in this way the real estate market keeps developing.

holymoly says...

This article provides a quality and well written content. In the last ten years, there were many countries that developed a lot thanks to those who invested a lot of money in running businesses there. Bahamas is one of the countries that developed a lot and especially in the last two years. There are many people who ran businesses there ann also banks such as <a href="…"></a> that provided great financial support to these business owners.

On Investments 'vulnerable to political pressures'

Posted 25 November 2014, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

This article reflects very well the world of politics. There are a lot of politicians with criminal past who were accepted in different parties. It is true that some of them prooved to be innocent after long trials, with the help of some great lawyers like those from <a href=""></a>.

On Cash: Gibson criticises us after Anna Nicole?

Posted 19 November 2014, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

This article provides useful information. In the last years, there were made some major changes in the real estate field and it developed a lot. There are some great properties for sale in the U.S. such as the <a href="">beach style modular home in Brick</a> and many people are interested in buying houses.

holymoly says...

It is true that some years ago, the Bahamas economy wasn't so developed but the authorities adopted different strategies in order to solve this problem. There are a lot of investors who came to Bahamas in the last years and its economy has developed very quickly. It is not enough to only invest in runing a business in a certain area in order to develop it but it is also important to use the best marketing strategies and financial tools in order to attract customers. For instance, you may request some <a href="">payment gateway services in Lansing</a> that are very useful in order to develop a business.

On Investments 'vulnerable to political pressures'

Posted 14 November 2014, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

holymoly says...

The majority of the people like travelling and there are a lot of beautiful destinations such as the <a href="…">Singer Island Marriott</a> where they can spend a nice vacation. However tourists are interested in finding accommodation in places where people speak at least a foreign language as this makes them feel comfortable. The majority of the hotel owners hire people who speak foreign languages as this is very useful in order to develop their business.