Comment history

honeyp says...

LOL!!! I agree.. the police should be responsible for this and not private company, it's just too much risk to the public safty at large!

honeyp says...

The illegals in the US face the same fate, why do they expect any better in our little country? As a matter of fact, you can't even register kids in the US schools without proper documentation. Also our imigration laws are the same as most in the regent, and not as strict as many! It's as if everyone wants us to dismiss our current immigration laws to accommodate the Haitians. Because of our size we cannot afford a policy/law that supports citizenship on birth only, just imagine what our population would be like today if that was the case!! Yes we are guilty of cases where are citizens do the same thing in the US, but that number is very small and most of those person usually come back home!

honeyp says...

This is the same organization that rejected a agriculture (hydroponic greenhouse) project with a view that "agriculture is unsustainable in the Bahamas".

honeyp says...

Some persons said that they were at 'WORK'...ummmmm!! At work they say!!!

On Police say up to 50 homes in ruins

Posted 24 July 2013, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Finally a point everyone agrees on!!! Bahamian for ever!!

honeyp says...

Same story, different tale! The reality is that big money influences government around the world! If our governments pass and present were not influenced by special interest, their agenda would always be Bahamian first and we would not be in the decaying social stew that we're in!

honeyp says...

Did anyone remember a plane ride some years ago?#$#%

On Government silent over Nygard questions

Posted 15 July 2013, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

on another note, i heard of a contractor that pulled of an entire extension of a house that he renovated because the client did not pay!

On Worker stole tractor to shred asphalt

Posted 15 July 2013, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

My guess is at the contractor! Imagine this, the estimated cost of the work is already 500 persent over the actual cost; you're only paying your workers a fraction of the skill's value, which results in a 90 to 10 (90 percent profit and 10 percent cost) because of greed, you arrange to have this 'incident' organized to claim an insurance !
i just can't imagine anyone doing this in clear view, for that length of time without a bigger plan in mind !(a mile for road is a lot of work and a lot of time!)

On Worker stole tractor to shred asphalt

Posted 15 July 2013, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

but they can't get away without paying anywhere else! I think that the fees are moderate and it's about time we become proactive!