Comment history

honeyp says...

I am on Montrose Ave and my garbage has not been collected for the pass 3 weeks! please help!!!!! Am I asking for too much!!!

honeyp says...

It may be strategically planned, but he should only speak to the role that his Ministry plays. So he's right! If you want to know what Social Services or any other Ministry is doing, ask them!

On Landlords under threat of legal action

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:55 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Do you want it cleaned up or not?

Well if you are a Bahamian, go to Social Services, if you're not Bahamian you should be here on a work permit, which implies that you have a job and you're just there for a free and dirty ride!

On Landlords under threat of legal action

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...


What I don't get is that we have these people here, living in slums many who could afford better, who want to make demand on us for citizenship, but have no respect or interest in our flag, but wants all the benefits!!!

On Landlords under threat of legal action

Posted 8 July 2013, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...


honeyp says...

The banks never needed a reason to do that in pass! They just did! Their predatory banking practices should be criminal!!! It should be mandatory for all additional fees to be approved and justified by Central Bank before they are implemented!

On Banks face 169% tax burden rise

Posted 5 July 2013, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

I think that this is a bunch of BS by the banks because they are the biggest backside rapest in the country! The Government is just trying to finally tap into the leakage!

On Banks face 169% tax burden rise

Posted 5 July 2013, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

honeyp says...

Hope that these people all kept something in writing, because this man seems to have serious memory lost.

honeyp says...

May God comfort.

honeyp says...

Well said!