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hopeful says...

The big question is where are they getting the guns and why are the RBPF not aggressively trying to find them? Every time they find a few they make a big deal over it. Someone on facebook has suggested numerous times they should use special canines to sniff out those weapons. They need to do this at our borders. Random checks at all airports (family islands too) and docks, as well as on the streets would work wonders. Why are they not taking such measures? Hmm......

On Eight shot in 24 hours

Posted 27 November 2013, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

Rory or whatever you are (don't sound hetero), calling people animal names for no apparent reason than to be insulting is WHO exactly is it that's crazy? DUH!

On Public says no to VAT, according to new survey

Posted 19 November 2013, 4:13 a.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

SP must stand for supercilious prick because what you posted wasn't the least bit funny. It was unnecessarily disrespectful and unkind serving no purpose whatsoever. It's usually the most imperfect people who are the nasty ones. You probably have a face only a mother could love....please add a photo so everyone can laugh.

On Public says no to VAT, according to new survey

Posted 19 November 2013, 4:07 a.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

I'm struggling with all the confusing information. News articles say there's video footage yet the RBPF know nothing about that. Why after the entire weekend can nobody confirm if there is actually video footage from a security camera? Is this to prevent the criminals from trying to leave town if they know they may soon be arrested? Who were the persons brought in for questioning and why? If someone called Kurt McCartney threatening his life before he left to confront the person, the RBPF should be able to confirm via BTC the time and location of his last phone call. Have they searched the area thoroughly and perhaps checked the residences of those 4 persons they had in custody to look for a possible murder weapon? I was expecting to hear the killer/s were already in custody, and not that persons had been questioned and allowed to leave. From what I gather Gambier Village is a relatively small community. I'm getting a bad vibe from this whole thing and doubt robbery was the motive.

hopeful says...

I think much of it may be about the possession of cocaine rather than marijuana. I think sentencing for trafficking a hard drug like coke should be much harsher. It's an addictive dangerous drug that destroys lives. I'm shocked to see we have a market for it here. The courts need to get tough on people pushing hard drugs.

On Man admits possession of $750,000 worth of drugs

Posted 18 September 2013, 2:20 a.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

These stories are beyond disturbing. I know for a fact if a loved one asks to remain in the waiting area at any police station they are not permitted to stay, even if willing to wait overnight. They are told to leave as the officers say they are unwilling to take responsibility in the event anyone unruly is brought in. The argument being it's for your own protection. really? Friends or family can bring a plate of food but are not allowed to see the person. If you stand your ground they will threaten to arrest you. Having said this, I expect any one of these dead young men's mothers would rather be arrested and locked up in a cell next to their son, than return the next day to be told they are dead. I know I would!

hopeful says...

It just keeps getting worse and worse for this government and the RBPF. What goes around comes around as the saying goes, This is their headquarters so the public needs to know which section caught fire nd what was damaged including records. I'm assuming nobody was injured thankfully. Have we gone through the looking glass? Things seem to be getting curiouser and curiouser......

On Fire at Police Headquarters

Posted 6 March 2013, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

It's deplorable that innocent until proven guilty means nothing in this country. Basic Civil/Human Rights seem to be a thing of the past and decent law abiding folk should be very concerned. It can only get worse judging by the lack of response by the RBPF. I enjoy walking and often end up talking to the man on the street. I'm passionate about the direction in which this country is heading. warning to princes or paupers.... a friendly, fun-loving, opinionated British lady may soon be on the street armed with a recording device. Find your courage and speak your truth as only "money talks" with politicians. I wish I'd taped a conversation with a man (a few weeks ago) who admitted to being a drug dealer years ago and said he never spent a day in "lock-up" as long as his MP and a relative got their "pay-off". Way to go "new" PLP!! Metaphorically speaking, my lovable Bahamian friends on the street; I hope to get a whole lot more than your 5 cents!

On Mother: I still have no answers

Posted 6 March 2013, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

Maryann you're comment is rather offensive and adds nothing to the debate. Obviously the author "haitianboy" has citizenship and has the right to vote and live here. Kindly do the Christian thing and "Live and let live". PEACE.

On FNM hits out

Posted 18 July 2012, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

I fear total anarchy if the PLP believe they can live in the past. The Bahamian electorate are suffering and will not put up with their political posturing and games. God help us all if they have been disingenuous and their hearts are not pure.

On FNM hits out

Posted 18 July 2012, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal