Comment history

huhwhat says...

Is this legal? I didn't know you could get a trade name and start a predatory loan company? Banks are ok with this? No wonder the Bahamas is routinely blacklisted by the OECD and has no FDI worth mention.

huhwhat says...

Rebuild the country from within that's great, and I've always bought Bahamian but where is this magic money flow coming from? For most of the island that money comes out of the pocket of a tourist, who is no doubt having the best vacation of their life. Now that the government has picked the winners and losers, with the Tribune's endorsement (pathetic) where are the tourists? Where is this money gonna come from to rebuild from within? The only ting this government has done well is provide the people with absolutely no justice for the litany of crimes committed on the Baha Mar development, where is your investigative reporting on that!?! i guess we are waiting on your four page full colour vaccine endorsement along with a print out digital certificate!

huhwhat says...

Here's how they should proceed along with every other business. Sue the government for deprivation. What the Prime Minister has done is completely unconstitutional. The constitution gives the PM the power to Quarantine the sick, not put a healthy population under house arrest.

huhwhat says...

Well it's rather depressing to unpack an opinion piece; but when it is based on lies and mediocrity one is obliged to correct the record. Trump is absolutely correct about the fraud in mail in ballots; why don't you check the news to see the people in Patterson New Jersey complaining about this very issue. Additionally twitter fact checked the president with an opinion piece, and much like your opinion, has no basis in reality. Finally when has President Trump ever lied? Calling the President of the United States a liar is super pathetic. I can believe your editor let this slide, because this is the disgusting narrative your paper chooses to push, false though it may be. And you wonder why people don't read your cage liner?

On to Paragraph 2: US colleges levelling the playing field? That's hilarious, instead of asking the question why the Bahamas has a pathetic education system that can't produce minds equipped to take a test, let's go ahead and blame it on "muh racism"! Absolutely pathetic. But hey I'll carry your thought experiment through. The standards are lowered and Bahamian students do go to an institution. How are they going to handle the academic load? Oh I know you are Snowflake who would probably blame "muh racism" again. That excuse is going to get you nowhere but hopelessly bitter!

Paragraph 3 - Not news

huhwhat says...

But I'm sure the banks are going to want their mortgage payments!! This is lipstick on a pig. This is nothing more than the destruction of the middle class, which is what they want. This government won't be happy until this island is just their Oligarchy with a bunch of hotel staff!!! Prorouge this house call new elections, Vote Libertarian.

On Rent scheme’s 40% deferral

Posted 28 April 2020, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

huhwhat says...

Thank the Lord there is at least one politician that cares about Liberty in this country.

huhwhat says...

This is worse than Mockery this is Pathetic. I don't live in a country where the Government picks winners and losers, of course not surprising that they rush to defend their corrupt Oligarchy. Prorouge the house, call new elections. These psychopaths won't be happy until there is no middle class and no upward mobility in society, just an Island of Oligarchs and hotel staff. Vote them out!!!!!!

On Minnis grants lawyers further exemptions

Posted 28 April 2020, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

huhwhat says...

These psychopaths installing 5G while everybody is locked up! Look up Pneumonititis Radiation or even better go to the National Toxicology Program Homepage and type 5G into the search bar and sixty years of research on how toxic this is to the human body will be revealed.

This country needs a Terminal Bypass of both parties, Vote Libertarian in 2022!!

huhwhat says...

This clown needs to Prorouge the house and call new elections he is unfit to rule anything let alone the Bahamas. This is a Sovereign Democratic Republic; someone needs to teach this man constitutional law.

huhwhat says...

I took the writer's advice, google Coronavirus in a list of countries.

I chose two from the list. The country with the most infections in Europe, Italy; wait a minute....Italy is first in something....first time for everything!! I used the below link for my infection count totals:…

With a total of 88,274 infected, seems like a large number, huge, ghastly are likely adjectives the fear porn pushers at the Tribune would use.

Let's take that number and find a percentage of infection within Italy. The way to calculate a general percentage is take the above number, divide this by the population of Italy; which, according to google, is 60.54 million. Let's do the math 88,274 divided by 60,480,000 equals .001459. Take this number and multiply times 100 to arrive at the percentage of the population in Italy infected which is .1459%. Less than 1/4 of 1% of the population in Italy is infected.

Let us do the same thing for the United States. I will go to for the total infected in the US which is: 239,279; again I imagine the fear porn mongers to be coming up with all sorts of exciting adjectives. Let's follow the same procedure and divide this number by the population of the United States which is: 327,200,000. This result is .000731 which, when multiplied by 100 equals .0731. This seems to show that in the US less than 1/10 of 1% of the population is infected.

Why should anyone be worried about this? The simple answer is this should concern someone no more or less than they would normally be concerned in any flu season. The reality is the flu is here like it is every year. People tragically get sick from the flu and even worse yes people die from the flu, but that's all this is.

The writer can dream up all the horrifying scenarios one wants and the mainstream media only too happy to comply with this fabrication, because hey ad revenue; and look at how many people are reading the bird cage lining now.

Unfortunately the numbers don't support your assertions, and before you get started on all the coffin picture porn, I would like to direct you to this article that points out that the picture used is seven years old from a story about a boatload of migrants sinking off Italy in 2013.…

If you are using a fake picture to push your story then your story is fake!

Finally to anyone affected or infected I wish you good health and a speedy recovery, it is after all the flu.